Wednesday 20 October 2021

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw....

The follow up gameplay from my last post was less fun than I wanted. In that last post I said that my ship upgrade, my first ship upgrade from Platypus to Sonora didn't 'feel' like an upgrade. It proved more true the more I played. Yes I was able to take down harder enemies but harder enemies come with harder and more numerous packs. Even with my own 'buddy' on my wing it wasn't fun to get 3 or 4 hit destroyed by a group.

I persisted in game with trading, courier contracts and mining; Added in some 'lesser' combat missions but that felt like going backwards in game-play. Till I stopped playing the game. The excitement and 'want' to be in the universe faded more quickly than I'd have liked. Faster than I thought possible. Part frustration and part disappointment. The ship upgrade that was a mistake hit hard. 

I'm all about balanced, middle of the road, jack of all trades. "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one"; And (I feel)this game needs you to fly one ship and do all the things. My choice of ship upgrade was to cater to that but in practice has come up lacking.....And so no wonder my game-play as well. 

So the game has sat again as an icon on my desktop for a while. 

I still agree with what I said in my last post. Yet it has turned sour with the choice of a ship.... Harsh yet true..... I was surprised that one choice should change so much in the game(for me). 

The thing overall is that I couldn't play the game they way I wanted after the choice I made and that felt 'off'..... Hard to describe but that's the jist of it.

I wondered where to go from there. I may not have played the game but the game stayed with me.
Specific ship hopping to do specific missions? For me that feels like too much faffing about lacking game-play..... Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is not an Eve Online station ship spinner kind of game.
It is a game; And I'm a gamer that needs that 'one' do it all ship. I'm being very resistant to ship change..... I'm not sure I can fully explain that either. But needs must even if it's not compelling game-play.  As much a personal game-play block as bumps in the road of gamepaly mechanics....  

A further 'upgrade'?

To a Sandhawk.....? 

Comparing the Conora and Sandhawk stats on the face of it, it's less overall....

It 'feels' wrong as an upgrade...  

But I did it.

Using it in practice it's got speed, speed for sure and survives better in practice against larger groups..... Not a tanky ship but a kitey one. I need to adjust more to 'get used to it'.... It's not like there's that many ships in game.

The player ownable station Bountiful Vista is the way forward for further 'better' ship purchases as well as game-play motivation in general. Doing missions there for station upgrades will bring more purpose and with luck 'fun'. 

I have hesitation due to what I think will be a lack of fun and a grind to work through....

I'll only find out in the doing. Worth a try to see at the least.... 

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