Thursday 14 October 2021

Star Trek Online....

Given it's been about a month since I last posted about Star Trek Online; And given it's a game I'm in daily, it'll be no wonder that I've too much to put in a post. I'm sure to forget something as much as I'll repeat myself. But at least I'm motivated to blog...... 

Like last time; Progress and general gameplay goes on. Xbox and PC but still more on PC.

Xbox first.

Another pack on the Microsoft store gives some free items. While there can be free items there from time to time, they're never promoted(as far as I can see). At least they persist on the store till claimed. 

Free is free after all but I can't help but feel somewhat hard done by when the PC version get's a lot more 'PC only' promotion freebies(T6 ships etc). That said I'm feeling hard done by on PC when I see the Dil to Zen rates on Xbox.... So, give and take on both sides....

I've leveled up all my 'specific' recruit alts(3xDelta's and a KDF) to level 20's via the event version of the Maru TFO. Quick and easy adding in a patrol or two on top of duty officer assignments to mix it up.

My TOS temporal agent main is in quiet 'good' shape(still) for a character I rarely play; And even my Gamma alt is really capable with even less time put in.  Both need sporadic remnants of transponder work to be 'complete'. Mainly mission arcs. Time and effort that's not an essential gamepaly requirement for me(in the doing or for the rewards). The rewards for them are handy but given its a version of the game I'm 'just' happy to faff about with; It's really not 'important' for there to still be 'fun'.

The main event/reward campaign for Xbox is nearly complete. I'm sure many would say the lobi reward should be the best choice. Yet I'm sure I'll probably end up getting the 2 T6 Zen store tokens. That fresh crop of alts on the way up could do with a Rom and KDF T6 ship. Another day or two and I'll be able to claim the prize box and mull the options for however long that takes.....

Speaking of the Maru event the last doable daily today(for me) gives way to the new seasonal event on both platforms.

The old Halloween event in the lower decks of Drozana was never spooky (at least to me) but I like that the new event/map pays homage to it. It's incredibly enjoyable, maybe that's just me wanting new and fun content. It is fun contnet. Witches, Devidians, skelly enemies and cool black cats... Oh my! Stay in the light. The game mechanics/teamwork are good elements. Yea really enjoyable.

The deployment of the patch/update went askew for me when after the 30 minute downtime and a tweet saying servers were back up that I couldn't log back in. Not to the arc client and not to just the game via the .exe.

That became frustrating last night when I wasn't able to get any information via official sources. The community is good but dámn it's reassuring when there are official updates.
The official Star Trek Online twitter feed is not really updated beyond initial information(for servers); Never mind update on the situation and never mind respond to player 'feedback'. Not that it never happens but it's not a thing that does either.

Officially there's this message to start the patch/update. It gives two links for further information. Twitter and facebook.

Yea two sources linked that I never look at because.....

The twitter account hasn't been updated with Trek news .... Looking last night it wasn't even updated this month....

The facebook page hasn't been updated since 2019(re any game)..... So yea....

It all boils down to community hearsay and waiting. So I did and after about an hour things seemed to be 'working as normal' again. 

Segway to PC gameplay.

I've been doing a lot on alts teaming up with my wife's characters. Completing content that needed to be done in complimentary ways with each others characters. Such as her KDF main Klingon recruit and a KDF alt for me that needs that content as well..... Maximizing. Not min/maxing but it works out Fed and KDF.

Across all MMO's there are moments where you run content/dungeons and inevitably there aren't enough 'guildies' to join in .... UFP is a very large community. I had an interesting run as 'that random' in such a run....... I felt I 'did good' but that's in the eye of the beholder.... 

The mirror ship event reward is an interesting ship to fly. As are it's weapon. My bias is for underdog ships doing well so no wonder it's gotten a best in inventory fit for fun and frolic's..

I'm really liking the 'gifted' deplorable ground turrets. If only they were account available rather than a once per character 'thing'. Players, we're never happy.

After the discovery that base character abilities can be upgraded a while back and with some research I finally went and got some of the Superior traits on my main. They do make a difference but I don't feel like my alts would benefit. Alts are alts, a main is for everything.

As with other MMO's, when something is claimable by all players all players will claim it. In STO's recent case the end of the event granted players a mirror ship. It's fun to see nearly everyone in the same ship for a day or two.

Gameplay, it hasn't changed all that much. The more things change the more they stay the same is true but so is "smae'ol same'ol". Normal is normal.

Now for the real waffle....

The more time I spend in the game the more 'things' accumulate in both item rewards and knowledge.
I've seen some 'blow-in' Youtubers to the game píss on STO. Players need to give a game a chance rather than 'just' look at 5 types of currency and shout pay to win. Bit of honest critical analysis please..... So much judgment for the sake of it. 
STO from what I've seen has been an exception to the micro-transaction rule. You get so much for free or given away for free that it's easy to play without spending a cent. Gotta be old skool longterm with STO. Take your time with it. 
Both my main and main alt on XBox are better than a majority of 'leet' zen bought shiped players. Still seeing a lot of leetness attitude growing in STO. I guess that always comes with increasing player numbers. This is a whole other story and one I've waffled about before. It's also easy to pick and waffle about as it's obvious to see in TFO's and hear in TFO's on Xbox voice. You hop into a dungeon, see player with the big shiny ship; Dungeon starts and big shiny ship is not so big in DPS and ...... player has to respawn...... Yet me in my T-5U keeps on pluggin away.....
Same on Xbox but with non stop verbal diarrhea from leet player, who may have ability but an ego the size of a large......
That's on a player and if they want to spend cash on game items. I've spent cash on a lifetime sub and two(3?) charity packs for some items on PC. I got and still get a lot out of the game either way. Anyway.... You don't need crazy DPS to 'do' the game. On Xbox I consider my characters to be on par with what I've got on PC and I've not spent a cent there..... 

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