Friday 15 October 2021

Star Trek Online....

The more I play STO the more I tend to lean towards having 'fun' with non T6 ships(usually T5-U) fitted with whatever 'seems' good and is readily available either in my inventory or cheap on the exchange. With a large enough roster of ships on my main it's easy to rank them and pass gear/items from one ship to another(hand me downs/inheritance consoles etc). It's subjective of the moment and can lead to ships being geared in ways you never thought would happen due to circumstance, from focused intent to laziness(best in inventory).

A ship my main has mid roster is a Ferengi Marauder has developed like that. It's a brick, it survives and still does DPS's. My main flies it well and it's fun to use...With bog standard abilities. Nothing fancy.

Having a Ferengi alt it seemed only fair to be thematic with him. While I've not gone so far as to only have Ferengi crew; I do stick to only Ferengi ships. 

He's used a Nandi Warship for The bulk of his leveling(and then some). Being 65 this week it was on my mind to reship him into a Ferengi Maurauder with the idea of matching as close to the same fit as my main. Most of the consoles are from reclaimable ships/rewards or reputations. Swarmer and Boronite laced consoles cheap enough from the exchange... Doable.

Which has worked out for the most part. Some console reworking was done(generic sci console) and the main beam weapons were changed to be Ferengi Plasma dual beams(an effort to be more thematic). Personal preferences of the moment second guessed later but I ran with it. The ship's a Swiss army knife that does it all and keeps going, changes and all. Works for me.

He's still a lesser alt. Bottom of 12 or so; He's lacking in a lot of abilities/mastery etc. With the bit of effort to get him and the ship this far I'm considering it 'done'. Underdog of a sort. It's fun, it's got survival and DPS. Not that much DPS but enough to get it through even advanced TFO's. 

The doing of this, that's the real fun part; Rather than from here to further development. 

I'll take him out for a spin for endevours or TFO's ... Maybe he'll be an alt with one of my wifes alts for some far flung mission.... Or event grind..... Dil farmer for sure; Nice to have options.

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