Tuesday 12 April 2022

Star Trek Online....

The Star Trek Online voyages are ever ongoing on PC and Xbox. Casual is casual; Again more time being given to PC than Xbox.

Again I'm surprised at the stats of some of the story Arc's on Xbox. 'Only' 1.7% have completed Vigilance.

I guess the 'picking a side' bias has a bigger skew on Xbox than it ever has been on PC. A perspective thing that places Federation in the 'good' and KDF into the 'bad'........... kind of realms. Romulans and any other race that can pick a 'side' are left wanting, special recruit or not.

The Microsoft store had some extra freebies for Xbox. Always welcome.

The main gameplay on both versions of the game is in doing dailies/events. On PC that's mainly been on the lesser alts and increasing rep/currencies and ship mastery's as I do so. 

Otherwise Xbox is as PC gameplay is, pottering and doing and enjoying. Casual is casual.

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