Sunday 24 April 2022

Eve Online....

So that latest announcement. PLEX and Omega price changes | EVE Online

It's all too easy to jump up an down in a rage at what CCP does to it's playerbase. I'm tired of being peeved at CCP due to their business acumen. For one reason or another. Still CCP is CCP. 
As for me I've waffled for years on the Love of the game and hate dislike of CCP(such as my other recent waffling here and here). TLDR; CCP is CCP and I'm done being jerked around.

But I'm here to waffle so waffle I shall!

The price increases are a jerk around for the player base. To big a jump for no 'real' player based reason. You'd think they hadn't introduced a single micro-transaction or PLEX to the game!! 
Apparently paying more as an investment in EVE or according to some to keep Eve profitable when it's already profitable.... So to make CCP more profitable. It's a pity CCP doesn't do the same sentiment for players time. I'd like a game to be an investment of my time. 
Paying for the game does nothing but give you access to the game. There are no perks or benefits to your gameplay. Not even for a mystery code older with two mystery codes!
Pssst; Eve as a game isn't all that good; Not as good as CCP thinks it is. It has it's own niche, that's a different thing. At least till Star Citizen comes out, if ever. If it was epic on all fronts it'd be all I ever play! The main reasons I play Eve Online are because of the friends I know and my quirk for asset management/micromanagement in a PvE sci-fi setting.

If CCP really knew what the secret Eve sauce was they'd have more than one sacred cow to milk!

Going forward you'll pay more for no other reason than CCP wants more cash to waste on other games they 'develop'. What are they on now, their 3rd or 4th version/attempt at another FPS?

Global economy aside, even if it's 'not that much' it's still more. Yea yea the longer you sub the cheaper it will be ..... But it's still under the new price plans and still more expensive. 

Odd how CCP were so 'into' short term profits in the last two years but are not 'really into' getting players to go longterm with the new cheap but increased price plan. It's all like their phrasing on skill training times.... Omega gets double training speed!!!! No it's just normal training speed that was cut in half for Alphas but now they get to say it's double the half of the new 'class' created!

It's not the cash that annoys me. Yes it's above the MMO average by a lot(monthly). I used to sub yearly on two accounts. The thing that ticked me off from doing that and got me refunding it was CCP being CCP, inconsistent. A yearly sub on my main one week with skins and extras and the following week the offer was gone without warning and there was 'just pay for access'. It's what CCP is, inconsistent. About everything!

This all brings me back to my gripes with the mystery code.  This all brings me back to my last few posts. CCP Does Not Do GOOD WILL WELL!!!!!!  It's the only thing they are consistent with!

I know I harp on about the mystery code but god damn it; It was sold as a benefit, a companion for the next decade.... Here we are a decade later and I'm still waiting! Just because CCP drove on from it doesn't mean I have. And I'm an f n customer. It's like going to a restaurant for a 10 course experience, getting there being given two nibbles, sitting there for ages wondering where the rest is when the lights go out and as the staff are leaving their saying 'are you still here', 'didn't you enjoy it'.

Star Trek Online is a free to play game, a real free to play game. I've posted about it manymany, many times; It's version of the Mystery code is the 'lifetime sub'. A once off payment to gain real tangible benefits in game for life! I have it, my wife has just got it on her account and we both gain from those benefits daily in our gameplay. STO has never made me regret paying for it. Eve makes me regret paying after every CCP announcement.

A price increase with no good news carrot and no new content announcement till fanfest is such a bad optic. Well that upped the ante on fanfest bigtime! It better be the best thing they've ever done.... For all players and play styles. CCP better be shítting out player benefits for playing.... 

Like CCP have ever been able to keep everyone happy or know what those would be.

I've often said that a fanfest is like CCP preaching to the choir. It's as friendly a crowd as they can get(as the fans pay through he nose to be there), so I hope that those going do voice more than concern; Because CCP doesn't give a damn about concern. To CCP prices going up is just business and if you want to enjoy the game then your going to have to pay for it. Well no, no I don't. I'm an above average player of Eve(or so Eve says); The amount of time, money and passion that I've put into the game over the last 20 years has nothing to do with 'just doing business'. 

BUT still CCP is CCP. 

The talk of multiple account discounts, in my view, NEEDs to be substantial. if you have a second account to sub it better be at 50% off. And I'm so peeved it better include a second skill q 'free' per account. Anything else is just a massive crap on players. Then again CCP Does Not Do GOOD WILL WELL!!!!!! 

The 'It's business' excuse/reasoning is a load of bollox not a good one. All CCP projects(Echoes) are funded via Eve profits.... So the increase in Eve sub is a reinvestment for all CCP projects? 
If CCP wants investments then how about each sub gets a share of CCP stock and yearly dividends. Door swings both ways. BUT that's worthless to me because I don't give a crap bout CCP. Besides it was said, the price increase is to increase CCP profits. What a joke! My hyperbole aside it's still a joke.

It's time for CCP to provide real incentive to sub for their flagship game. If they want to charge an extra third of the current price; If I am to pay for CCP investment into CCP then CCP needs to make it worth my while to PAY for, never mind play Eve Online. As I said above. It better be the best fanfest ever and the rewards for subbing better be excessively tangible for my gameplay. CCP can keep it's shill's, can even pay them to play the game but it's actual paying CUSTOMERS that make the wheels turn!

So am I more inclined or less inclined to pay more for the same thing. I'm less inclined.
Am I more inclined or less inclined that Fanfest will change my mind. Less inclined as Fanfest 'announcements' never have before(Dust 514 Red Wedding anyone!).

As we all know, games companies always know how to read what the crowd wants (interesting)!
(also of interest is that Diablo mobile is being done by NetEase(same as Eve Echoes)and due out soon...)

Business, yea, were're all here to play business!

Fanfest will be telling in a lot of ways.

So if you don't think it's any problem for you with the increase then be wary of a company that sets a precedent and follows money making trends; CCP do. It'll come back to bite you sooner than later and there won't be much you can do about it by that time. CCP is consistent in that. 

With regard to player interactions CCP never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

I'm not an Eve Online youtuber. I'm not part of a partner program so I'd say take what those that are with a pinch of salt. Some are bought and paid for some are not. A lot are trustworthy imho, like delonewolf and HateLesS_Gaming .... Just saying to be wary.  Shills do exist. No financial investment does skew opinions and views.

Some good links:

Reddit - Eve Online

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