Monday 5 September 2022

ETS 2....

With more time in game than I thought I'd have over the weekend I got to finish off the event(Hannover Event). In my enthusiasm for the event(definitely not distracted while watching Youtube); There was only one contract accepted that was under the 200km range needed. So 8 jobs to do the 7 for the event. I enjoyed my time in game so one more wasn't the end of everything. I dislike ditching them once accepted; Unless there was an accident and a tow was needed etc....

The mug is bigger then I expected but then again all the mugs for the dash in game are larger then you'd expect; Disproportionate(looking at everything else) but not totally out of place.

The hologram on the other hand was a tiny(pun!) bit underwhelming. It's smaller and less neon than I thought it'd be(from the promo image). Unless I'm missing something I've not known of any way(in game) that lets a player modify and customize the dash bling. So am a bit disappointed.

I had no interest in the lunch box. From the promo image I thought it was a clear plastic; But it seems that it's metal and slightly reflective.

It's hard to please all of the drivers all of the time. I don't mean to be complaining about the rewards; I'm glad to have claimed them all. I 'just' thought I'd get some use from the hologram. Trinkets aside it really was good to be back in game with a purpose. Dark stormy night deliveries are my favorite.

With the event done I was looking to the achievement list to get some extra motivation to enjoy more of the game.... Which was quickly quashed as I can't remember what locations I've already done for partial achievements credit. 

Roll on the next event!

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