Wednesday 7 September 2022

Star Trek Online....

Years ago I used to say that STO was a game with grind elements that didn't feel like a grind; I think those days are well over. Another event over leading to another event and another event, big and small. It's a never ending stream of constant content that can feel tiresome(or a grind). Finishing the last one granted completion of the overall event campaign(for me). Of those reward choices I went with the Lobi option. 

I always seem to 'do' the remaining dailies of an event for the extra Dil rewards. Part of being a compulsive player it seems. Not wanting to miss an opportunity for gain. 

The Dil is than mainly used for tokens to help with easing the RNG of the daily endeavours. 

Overall some of the perks for completing them have seen steady progress. 

Lots done, lots to do(no surprise). The game has really turned into a more micromanage, do in game mechanic for the sake of doing in game mechanic.....almost clicky kinda game. Not that characters don't benefit from it but its all a build up or processes.
More character management in a station than out in space(sounds familiar.... Eve Online!!) The thing is I'm not sure if that's a bad thing for STO because I'm into 'doing' it. Permanent progress not matter what(Unlike Eve which can have players 'take' from you).
If it's one thing that STO does well, is it's ease of accessibility, with more complex gameplay as and if you want/need it. STO is free.... Free and with a lot more leeway and freedom than the likes of Eve Online... Like having a character avatar not just walking but running on stations! Yea I'll stop waffling before my Eve bitterness really shines through....

With the Maru event done on PC and the Temporal recruit started there it's no wonder there's also a Red Alert on. It seems that Red Alerts are no longer an event but the go to gap filler for everything. Red Alerts used to be special, a way to get reputation marks quickly. Now it's just....Filler every other week.
Even the ultimate tech reward for it isn't any real motivation, at least not for me. If I can take any good from it, it's that it makes doing certain endeavours easier(kill x number of y ship). Each to their own.

As for the Xbox side, it's pretty much the same; Not as serious a take as my PC account but then again I'm casual about both(for the most part, honest!)

Xbox Maru event has just started....

Xbox overall event campaign is almost done....

Back on PC the Temporal recruits are obtainable again. I've more main/alt Temporal recruits than I can shake a stick at. But I really like the opening character experience for Temporal recruits; So my wife and I made new alts....

The TOS era is really well done by the game.

I've said it before but even the version of the map as a TOS look, 'just does it for me'.

The game may get a bit of shhtick for it's game engine and looks, but I fully embrace it. Have a look:

With enjoyment of the content comes copious screenshots. Enjoy!

"Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning."

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