Thursday 8 September 2022

ETS 2....

Since last time I posted about ETS 2, the game has had a hook in me. Specifically the partially completed but missing achievements. Very specifically hauling heavy cargo. 

So I ended up doing a bunch of long, slow, problematic(harder?) special transport jobs(wait for it)..... 

Special Transport missions are very picky or maybe better to say 'sensitive' when it comes to failure conditions. Slightly touch off one of the escort vehicles and it's a fail etc.... They are the only contract where I find the autosave feature a godsend, and use it!

However it all counted for nothing towards the achi(here it comes). The problem with completing the achi(this time round) wasn't that the job needed heavy cargo deliveries or that I'd no clue which I'd done; It was that I'd confused the heavy cargo loads with the Special Transport contracts. Doh! A process to realizing that took some time.

Having done all the Special Transports which I thought I'd never done before, I was left rechecking old job entries to see what I'd missed.... A list of 11 Special cargo's all double checked.... 

Unsure of what I was missing(with the achi not the cargo) I went to the internet! And as the internet often does... I felt stupid. Yes realization that the Heavy Cargo is not the Special Transport Cargo was reached. I felt deflated. At least now I had another list of cargo to check against!

So in knowing all that, a search of 'just' normal heavy cargo contracts and got started. It took accepting 3 jobs with cargo I was 'sure' I'd never done before to get two which counted towards the achievement..... It could have been worse! 
I completed the achi I was after as well as a 3 in a row achi for heavy cargo... So a bit of a bonus on top.

Once a gamer starts down the achi route it's hard to stop.... Like a heavy cargo haul going too fast downhill on a bend, with oncoming traffic and an escort vehicle that slows in front of you suddenly.
I'm glad to get them, two for the price of one if I look favourably at the process. Glad they are completed but also a feeling of anticlimax as there are far worse achi's to try and work out ahead. 
The problems with figuring stuff out is a prolonged thing. Everyone who plays a game long-term, leaving things partially done (on purpose or not), just happens. Me confusing the cargo types needed didn't help, again it happens. Gotta remember the joy in 'just' being in the game. Which I've had and still do. My time wasn't wasted. Trucks got tweaked and updated. The trucking empire profits for cash on hand reached 1 Biiiilllllliiiioooooooon! So it's all good.
I know a lot of players mod and edit files to get things or edit money; For me in this game that would waste the joy of it. Each to their own, 1 billion is an achievement in it's own right. A a new truck to tinker with seemed appropriate!

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