Wednesday, 30 January 2019

BF 1....

The latest cheater encounter is extra funny as his side lost, he was of no help whatsoever. But as was said in the chat at the end, maybe he cheats because he can't play. Makes me wonder why cheaters even bother....


Another 8 day's of dailies to get the 9th Anniversary ship.

This new ship being a science ship, it'll be an admiralty ship for all but my single science character. Which had me thinking that I don't think I've ever used her as a healer in groups. I have to change that at some stage. Must learn to be healer..... Must learn to be healer..... Uhhhhh next shiny ship.....

The rewards for doing the daily isn't all about the vouchers. There are other rewards to choose from, emotes, dilithium, a box of random items and of course the party (balloon) horn.

Monday, 28 January 2019

Hitman 2....

I spent some time yesterday doing a successful (normal)run and scout of the Isle of Sgail. The location of the third Elusive Target. The map/mission is three locations ahead of where I am my own play-through; So I didn't pay much attention to the details of the overall story. I did get used to the layout somewhat. Enough to unlock a few items as well as the Chapel and Reception start area's. The Chapel start is needed for this ET take-down. The best I could see online.

When I did it, it wasn't a flawless run but it all worked out.

Another Target down.

I got some more map unlocks as well as the two suits for the Elusive Target.

Back to the normal play-through......


With little effort, bar a decimation of my main's reputation marks (and dilithium) I was able to get the account wide unlock for each reputation. A lot more simple than I thought it would be. 

I also got to buy the vanity shield from each faction. Not a great investment in retrospect. Settling on the New Romulus Reman vanity shield for his active ship.

Getting him into a fleet for fleet ship/module benefits is a very real option now.

Sunday, 27 January 2019

BF 1....

I know I drone on about the balance of matches; But it's been getting worse. The latest map rotation has been like a magnet to large groups, very large co-ordinates groups that cover a lot of tactics. Some matches you can't move an inch without getting shot from 6 different directions. Air, sea, infantry and armour, sometimes all a the same time. It's hard to not think of being a Swiss cheese target dummy.

It's not been all bad. Thankfully there's been few hacked cheaters; And some matches were fair enough to GG but they have been few and far between.

Dead Cells.....

One more try is what this game is all about. You can collect cells from enemies to spend as currency for items, powerups, devices; Aim to get ability runes (Spider rune = Climb walls etc), tailor genetic traits(buff's), beat boss's, challenge mode and just play for the fun on it.
It's a game that's drawn me in even when I thought I was done with it. Thinking it might all be to much to do. The representation of your collected progression alone, shown off in glass jars hanging from your starting prison cell is a pure joy to behold. A great feel good factor. The simple need to fill more of them is sometimes all you need to play the game. 

Phoenix Point....

Another game I'm looking forward to seeing released, Phoenix Point. Still looking good, going from strength to strength!

Saturday, 26 January 2019

The Settlers....

It may be a long way off release and I may not have played a Settlers game since the 90's but this new version has my interest.....


Always looking to claim the freebies I was interested in the Tardigrade (non-combat)pet promotion. It was a very gimmicky promotion. Select certain traits and "your chosen" pet is selected for you to adopt. 5 or 6 types in all. After getting your adopted pet the others are available on the lobi crystal store.

The previous Discovery version was a monstrous size(as in the TV series). So I'm glade that this version of the pet is a more cat/dog sized pet.

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2....

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2, a game I wanted to get but after the harsh difficulty curve of the first game I'm denying it a look in. That's fully a me thing and nothing really about the new game. All the reviews I've seen are good. Some bugs are in the process of being patched but that's normal for a new game.

For me this time round I'll skip and maybe catch it on the cheap sale.


Interesting! SYNTHETIK: Arena

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Star Trek Online....

I may not like anything to do with Discovery but this Mirror version in STO maybe one of the more true to cannon elements around(usual STD disclaimers apply). Which makes this STO episode an interpretation of an interpretation of Trek canon. There's a lot to filter through on how this all fits together but it works for what it is. STO has a lot of get out of jail cards when it comes to canon, but does it well with this new content.

The new episode missions are better than previous additions. More voice acting, better graphics and less replication of older in game asset's. That's not to say there aren't element's repeated from older missions; mainly defeating multiple waves of enemies. It's a staple of STO that wont' be changing any time soon, but it's not over used here.

The in game cinematics are done really well(Spoiler vid below!).

A nice touch added was on the character screen. One thing from Eve Online that changed with their logon screen(years ago) was they abandoned an animated selection screen(still hope?). Thankfully STO hasn't and the new version has a lightning burst effect across the screen and character/crew. It's a small thing but an emotive cool factor to see.

I'm a little disappointed to see there is no 9th Anniversary holographic display on Earthdock this year. Strange they didn't add it in. They've had one every year, even last year:

As for day two of the 9th Anniversary ship mission, Q's daily as usual. Not a hard thing, not a chore. Unlike the new daily Personal Endevors. Which so far for me, has all been out of the way with numbers not worth doing. Yesterday's events included winning Gold Pressed Latinum, which I did as I was near a Dabo table. I've not looked into the greater overall rewards system for completing the dailies but I'm not convinced it's worth doing. Grind for the sake of it is not me.

On an up note I completed the last reputation to level 6. Now to think about the account wide reputation recognition. I wonder if it recognizes the old character vouchers at all???

Kingdoms and Castles....

Great new update to the game. Infrastructure II (game V 114).

Professional firefighters, baker bakes faster, whats not to like!!

Wednesday, 23 January 2019


Last one is well worth it!

Tuesday, 22 January 2019


Not a bad freebie but not a great one either.

Hitman 2....

It's been a while since I last played Hitman 2. Despite all the great additions and updates between H1 to H2, there's something missing from the game that I can't put my finger on. It's left me with a lack of desire to play the game. Yesterday I was thinking about that and maybe doing something in game to try and get back into it. The incoming Elusive target is an option.

Then today I see a tweet about the 2.13 update and a new episode/pack for season pass holders.

The pack does look good. Alternative looking gadgets on a theme are always welcome.

The redressed Hokkaido map has a great feel. I took my time and had a wander but the only real changes are to the main patient areas and garden.

There is a zero tolerance policy for snowball fights:

The 7 new challenges on that map are easy enough. The main target has a short repeating path that's also easy to get to grips with.

The only real alteration to the target is which bathroom he get sick in; Outside the restaurant or downstairs in the restaurant(if/when the target is getting emetic poisoned).  Even then those bathrooms are easy to pre-clear. The targets bodyguard is pointless as he is easily distracted or just walks away in certain situations. But as these are challenges you don't even need to finish the mission to have them completed. Each can be done independent of finishing/escaping the mission. Kill target in certain way, challenge unlocks, restart mission to get the next. This helps with easing the repetition but kills the immersion.

No style points but here are some of my Snow Festival shenanigans, all very spontaneous.
Standard takedown - Blood in the Snow challenge.
Fugu Poisoning (just for fun)
Cold Surprise challenge
Festival Shock challenge
N-Icicle Assassin challenge
Cols from Above challenge
In Your Face challenge

Monday, 21 January 2019

Horizon Chase Turbo....

A power house and epic looking to boot. A bit too powerful for it's own good!!
It handles like a dead weight. A specific car for specific tracks, I just haven't found any of those tracks yet....

And as for fuel it's a hog, there's not enough to keep it going on any track....

Sunday, 20 January 2019

Dead Cells....

I've done my share of cursed chests. Dealing with an insta-death curse by killing 10 enemies is preferable to this type of "normal" chest!

BF 1....

The last video was of a match that played like a victory but ended as a loss.
This time around is the opposite. I played woefully but the match was won(Go random team go!).

It felt more like a team deathmatch(fast paced paranoia) rather than Conquest. Still a win is a win, but I'm really in it for the gameplay. On that score I'm still reloading when I shouldn't; And seem to have developed what looks like grenade blindness.

BF 1....

The matches have been proving to be a little more balanced the last few nights. Nothing wrong with a well contested mash up, win or lose. Even if I do revert to my natural sniper medic state.

Looking back at some footage I still have the same PvE created problem, reloading after every burst of fire in PvP. I need to break that habit, it's gotten me killed so many times.

Saturday, 19 January 2019


The anniversary weekend see's some free T5 ships. For my characters I'm sure two of those, the Klingon and Romulan were already claimable. The Caitian's ship will be nice to get but none of the three are of any practical use to a max level character. Unless they are chosen for a very specific role/fit and even then it's "odd". More use as admiralty additions.

Friday, 18 January 2019


Day 2 see's two Dilithium Mining Claims per account. "Meh".

The full details of the Ninth Anniversary:

Time to yet again do dailies for another ship. The tier 6 Vulcan T'Pau Scout Ship. With luck the dev blog on it should be out soon, needs me some ship stats.....

Thursday, 17 January 2019


Lots happening in Star Trek Online this week. Today marks the start of some giveaway's for the 9th anniversary; The first gift being the Jem'Hadar Tactical Uniform.

With the good comes the bad, but not real bad, just the end of the Winter Event. Surprised it lasted this long, as much as I like it, it has to end. On an up-note the downtime to transition events seems to have fixed the missing character models problem. Both my invisible characters are now whole again. Good to see my main.

Besides the 9th anniversary and the end of the winter event, the new active event see's the return of the Kobayashi Maru. A fun operation depending on the players and their needs. Some do it for the challenge, others do it to complete it as soon as possible and leave.

The daily rep I've been doing brought me further than I thought. It shouldn't take too much longer to get that final rep done.

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Dead Cells....

Dead Cells is definitely the essence of the 80/20 rule. It's quick fun to pick up and play. Easy to get into and do a lot with, but hard to fully master. I'm nearing calling it quits; There's too much to collect etc to 100% the game. Then there's the "Just one more go" element to it.....

The game can be tricky(butterfingers or luck) at times. As I've returned I've proven that familiarity breeds contempt like acing the concierge(below) but falling flat on my face against The Hand of the King etc.

I have the powerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:

BF 1....

The new normal has me mixing and matching class/roll/weapon and gear to try and do more than survive in matches. Good matches are now usually equal or better on the kill death ratio. But my average kills these day's (which feels like an eternity) is in deficit, usually 2 to 1. This is mainly due to being stabbed in the back by a dagger being held by Mr Invisible, or catching a mortar/artillery/bomb(or all three) with my teeth after sniping someone (that's co-ordination for you).

A match last night made me feel better when I went for the tank gunner angle. Thankfully(Tank-fully, yea I know) there were a few good drivers about.


Out of the blue last week I had an urge to go check the challenges in Ghost Recon; It feels so long since I've been in the game, feels longer than it really is. Only been a month!!! When I checked there was nothing interesting/new for me. Strange now that I see Week 1 of Season 11 has been released, I must have gone in just before it started.....

Looking at it I still can't be bothered with the 'Prestige' credit rewards. The season challenge rewards are also no longer a draw for me. Camo, camo, shotgun. No matter how the community is liking the weapon reward as the "new best thing".

Out of interest I searched and saw that Carbon Meister had a guide video out.

Great guide but it confirms to me that the challenge is only for the sake of a challenge. Chance and awkwardness. Those can be frustrating and I'm really in no mood to coddle the game(Mollycoddle rather than coddle coddle that is).

This has me wondering why I'm still checking up on the game. I know there isn't going to be anything really worth it for me. Only the new story missions may be worth it in future...

Monday, 14 January 2019

BF 1....

With the BF V 'love it or loathe it' debacle there's been an influx of what I'd call BF V rejects returning to BF 1. "Enjoying" themselves being OP, mainly clan groups. Maybe their back after a long break or newer players looking for the cheap thrills. If you couldn't guess already I have a chip on my shoulder regarding all these groups overrunning the game. This influx has made me endure more cheating in the last week than at any other time. I've seen so many invisible players floating knives this week it's not funny. Wall glitch kills, like being shot by a person in the starting area via sniper rifle through a mansion "aim bots". It's annoying. More annoying that players with skill and/or coordination bounding around.

With all that off my chest I've still been having fun, for the most part.
The new featured theme of the week is France(I ignore the BF V reference).

Long Story short the last few day's has seen matches go from good, to bad, to ugly, to uglier.

The Good:

The Bad:

The Ugly:

The Uglier:

Mechwarrior 5 Mercs....

I've been looking forward to the next (first person) Mechwarrior game. The latest tweet about the versions available for pre-order has disconcerted me. Both in price's and in connection to the Multiplayer only version of Mech game the company also has out. I can understand a it as a draw for the current player-base but as a sales thing it's of no interest to me today; So isn't a selling point for the single player Mech5Mercs.

That's not to say that the normal edition isn't overpriced, 49.99 is cheaper than most release AAA titles. Plenty to keep an eye on with it yet....

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Dead Cells....

Playing the game I've not been into 'Parry' or 'Shields'.
But a shield with those stats makes me want to reconsider.....

Free is free....

Two games on steam are free to claim.

Blast Zone! Tournament is free (even with it in Early Access)


A Story About My Uncle is free to claim for 24 hours. An interesting first person platformer.

Saturday, 12 January 2019


STO has seen some changes and updates recently. The most notable change for me is that there is a fill all button for the reputation missions. One click now compared to 3 before. That's a good thing. There was also a server restart that usually corrects a lot of leftover glitches; But ever since then two of my characters are invisible, on the character select screen and in game.

It's the same on two pc's that I have STO installed on so has to be a server side "thing", I guess.....

It did make for an interesting Winter daily. Thankfully the weapon on my charterers back is visible and could act as a point of reference.

Friday, 11 January 2019


Taking more time in battletech has proved that brute force wins the day. I'd be great to always attack mechs from a weaker side but it'd take three turns to try and flank them; Even if I did they would just turn around. Tactics are an aside to surviving long enough to melting faces yourself.  The Stalker (4th)lance I'm using as expendables show again that that mech is the jack of all missions, survivability and firepower. The more I send them in hard on a mission the more I like it. For the damage they do and for the damage they can take. I've decided to keep them as is and not upgrade(for now).

Finishing off some missions had lowered faction rep status so I had to work for noting but reputation in a few missions such as this War Machine mission:

It wasn't all bad as there were missions in the same systems against pirates that made up for the "free" work; Such as an all in salvage run of a Corporate Secrets mission:

Wednesday, 9 January 2019


While I'm not thrilled about the continuing Discovery theme, the reward of a T6 Vulcan scout ship has my interest.


Another 8 day's left of the Winter Wonderland, so another 8 day's of dailies and structured reason to log in and do the rep. Rep for the last level 6 is now at 50%.
Once those 8 day's of dailies are done I think it'll be about two weeks to finish it off. As I've said before the enthusiasm for doing it daily without the wonderland daily will wain and probably be a lot longer to complete....


The 9th Anniversary Update will see a solo, account-wide progression system for STO!!!!!!! It's something the game has needed since it's launch. Great to see the solo player be recognized.

Full details here:

I hope this opens up the flood gates for more account wide, shared stats/enhancements etc. Alts need the love.

It also seems like there's money being poured into STO's development, always good to see.

The Crystalline Catastrophe was always a problem child of an experience. Good to see it getting a better revamp. It seems the changes from the last "test" of an enhanced version will now make it to the "normal" version; I hope there's some more/better tweaks to it. No doubt there will be a patch or two for it as the full force of real world release/testing happens.

Full details here:

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Dead Cells....

A quick pick up and play moment turned into a longer session, which turned out to be rushed and pushed. Tiredness strikes! I should have put the controller down.
During the last boss fight I knew I had to take a potion sooner. Looking back at it now I made a lot of mistakes and missed a lot of opportunities for offence/defence and health gain. If only I was 50% more awake....

BF 1....

Leveling up can be a grind in most games. For Battlefield I've always gone along with what was working best and if there was a weapon or upgrade that I wanted I'd aim for it. But I'd never really grind. Right now in BF 1 I've still got a lot of weapons to unlock and while they would be nice to have I'm not pushed to grind 300 kills and 100 headshots with X weapon etc. Especially if it's for a weapon unlock that I'm not really gonna use. That's not to say I haven't mixed things up. It's good to experiment with weapons and gear load-outs. Some things work better with different class's and play-styles. For me in this game I'm a medic with a sniper rifle, obvious I know. It works for me and I'm more proficient as such. That class and rifle combo tick's all my gameplay box's. Add in a gas grenade and I'm laughing, sometimes very literally. Laughing gas grenade?!?!  
So when it's down to some casual gameplay for fun I go back to that class and enjoy the gameplay.

Saturday, 5 January 2019

BF 1....

There's been a lot more clan teams in matches of late. This has lead to the overpowering of the casual gamer, who is solo and uncoordinated. Occasionally there will be a gathering of competent players who can be tactical together even without comms; Nice to see in action but doesn't happen often.
I've had both good and bad experiences, I've been stomped on, enjoyed GG's and done some stomping. I was enjoying being on the stomping side of a Rush match but after getting killed (fair and legitimately); On res I found myself on the side I'd been helping to stomp. I hate when BF1 does that auto team balance switcheroo cráp!

Friday, 4 January 2019


I could do with more opening shots like this....

Horizon Chase Turbo....

Still enjoying quick fun with the game, 10 minutes is a long time so it's easy to hop in and out of. There's a pull to play when you feel the need to do better; So getting 3rd place makes you want to try for better. Doing a late night quick, one more go attempt at a race started off as a disaster; And pretty much stayed that way. In watching it back I think I was more racing my old ghost take of the track than paying attention to the current race..... Still I got to clinch the win in the end.... I'll take it! 

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

BF 1....

Speaking of that match, the bulk of it is here:


In a match where randoms face a clan, the clan usually wins via the power of voice comms. 
Co-ordination is the real killer weapon. Some matched like that feel like total stomping's; Others are a more balanced affair. The match tonight was a balanced one; It still sucked but at least it feelt like I gave as good as I got.

Some moments are sweeter than others.