Monday 30 November 2020

Star Trek Online....

The announcement of this years winder event is both a 'high' and a 'meh' for me. A high because I really like the winter event and meh because this years ship is another Fek'Ihri ship; A Fek'Ihri Gok'tad Carrier [T6]. The details should be out 'soon' so I'll have to reserve full judgment till I see it's stats.

The previous 2 Fek'Ihri ships were/are interesting, even if it's the first (S'torr Warship)that I have a greater liking for. The 2nd, the Dreadnought Carrier just never clicked with me. At least with both of those getting the third will allow some options for cross console use... Maybe....

The image of the new ship looks to be a cross between the first two in size at least.... Lets hope it's stats are interesting.

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