Wednesday 20 September 2017

Doomed again....

While I've enjoyed dipping in and out of Doom (2016), and the last update unleashed all the content I'm glad it's over.

The PvP was too much of a twitchy shooter for my liking despite giving it another go. But the single player was an effort to finish in the end. I've played the game in small doses but recently I wanted to push and finish the campaign. I had ended my last casual play just after gaining the BFG. What can I say about the remaining game, hell, pure hell. Apt eh....
While it can be fun to test your gunplay skill, the large unyielding waves of enemies can at least be mown down with the help of ammo and the BFG at tactical times. But the way the game makes you fight and defeat it's hard boss's like the Cyberdeamon, only to transport you and it's body to hell and have the boss reborn and be fought over again is painful. But not as painful as defeating a boss only to be told it's part one and part two is to defeat two of the same boss at the same time. It's frustratingly annoying.
I wasn't going to lower the game difficulty and I was in no mood to to it all again but harder in nightmare mode, normal was nightmare enough. The ending is as cliche as you can get and not worth the effort, a disappointing end to a roller coaster journey.

I was glad for the fun in the beginning and the challenge in the mid to lategame, even part of the endgame was still enjoyable. But you can only take so much, the end does have to justify the means and Doom's end was a disappointment.

Play it for the journey but don't play it too hard as you will be disappointed. I'd say the end is as bad if not worse then Mass effect 3.

Maybe I do need it explained to me...... DOOM Story And Ending Explained.

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