Wednesday 27 October 2021

Battlefield 1(Xbox)....

While I may have been all in on the games PC side.... And the last few months has seen me go all in on it's Xbox iteration.... The Xbox is 'easier' to get games with. Maybe that's a broader playerbase thing; And if so I'm more ponderous about the Xbox Achievements. A lot of gamers must 'just' have the base game.

On Xbox it's also less hassle with recorded clips.

On PC players that spawn and take a horse can be a pain for infantry. Being cavalry never appealed to me(Ditto for planes). Killing them on the other hand is very much a fun thing. Maybe because it's an underdog feel for me. Even as a sacrificial thing. Fun to me as I know it's frustration to them. PvP eh!

A lot of players are 'just' in it for the kills. Match won or lost they only look as the kill/death ratio or appearing on the end screen the most valued player. Assault is the shooter class but a medic with healing or a support with ammo can just as easily do noting but dispense healing /ammo and still be classed as MVP. Shooters accept that by association...
The game is more balanced/nuanced in class and function than a lot of players/pundits will admit.
As a sniper spotting I've seen a match change from a meat grinder to an offensive; Two flares turning the tide for a side is a good feeling...

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