Tuesday 12 October 2021


A game that's been on a slow boil back burner for some time for me. UBOAT.  A game that clicks with a lot of it's game-play for me. I'm into sub sims. Long-term going from Silent Service II on the C64 to Silent Hunter IIIhere and here ) and SSN on PC. It's been a long time since a Sub sim has really clicked with me on PC. The recent Cold Waters was not all it could have been for me; The wait there was a let down... I'd rather go back to play SSN and Silent Hunter III. 

All that aside; UBOAT based on a WWII theme is a game getting better and better. I keep an eye on it and when I see updates I take a bigger look into the patch notes. One of my last posts about the game a double game blog post...... well I may have been too harsh. Or perhaps too impatient is a better term.

I hope that gamers like me don't upset the cart by wanting more, more hastily. I've no problem waiting but I do recognize that I want more sooner when I see big improvements like the current patch. Update: B129.

Only time will tell how it's development will pan out. Slow and steady (as the saying goes) to a final version should be great; They're on track to do it. 

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