Tuesday 8 February 2022

XCOM Chimera Squad....

During the latest Steam sale I made a purchase. While I've seen positive reviews call Chimera Squad "XCom Lite"; I think it's probably more apt to call it Narrative XCom. It's not the same as previous iterations, I'd not say shaved down or 'lite' but it's good different.

I'd a fear that the game wasn't or wouldn't 'feel' like XCom; That's the problem with too many negative 'reviews' not entirely based on embracing/understanding it's changes. When I say XCom I mean the 'first' game (specifically Enemy Within). After the first room of the tutorial I knew that fear was unfounded. As for my calling it 'Narrative XCom' that's simply because it is. Specific characters, each with their own story of who and what they are in the broader new world, post XCom 2. 

Starting the game really reminds me of a TV show pilot. Squad member introductions, some cheesy and somewhat stereotypical banter. Team member interactions in general with witty one liners and snappy replies around the map table. But it works. At least for me. As does the game mechanics. Not just the combat but the 'base' management side as well.

On another positive note, I think there's an uncanny similarity with the in base music(Chimera Squad - Act 1)and something similar with a Splinter Cell game(maybe I'm more mixed up tho). It just sounds very familiar.

The combat has an Xcom 2 look but an Xcom (enemy Within) feel. Yea it's a personal take and if you've played both game's perhaps you'll know what I mean and where I'm coming from. The breach system really works well, I like it. It 'feel's good. It adds to the excitement and immediate story to action in an immersive way. 

The game doesn't try hard to be Xcom 2's new take on Xcom, Chimera is it's own thing, even if it has all the XCom 2 'aliens' and adds a few of it's own. It develops lore in a subtle way. Changes are not pushed in your face and I appreciate that. No more super fancy unlimited resources on either side so all have to make do and old tech is valued.

Their plucky underdogs with a bit of funding and organisation behind them. It has more appeal to me than XCom 2 ever had(whitewashing all my previous games repeated missions as a simulation, keeping only straight lore, screwing with my immersion, screw that). In a lot of way's Chimera is like a TV series spin-off that's not so serious and still pulls off the 'action'. A  S.W.A.T. spin-off to a heavy/deep military hit series.... It may not get a second season but it's going to make the first one count and be a fan favorite in the future. 

It's not a perfect game but like other games what it does it does well. As for 'balance' issues so far I've not come across much. XCom is XCom and a character % hit chance is as ever RNG based. Standing beside an enemy and having a 1% chance to miss can happen. Par for the course and motivation to upgrade gear. There are harsh scenarios, too many aliens not enough cover but I see that as a challenge for more strategic thinking. I've swapped out team members I'd discounted and done better because of them. It's good to mix and match.

All combined I immediately liked it. At a sale price of less than €7 it was a bargain!

The game plays into a lot of my own projections of XCom team interactions. It's a thing that happens for some players immersion(maybe it's the role-player in me). Especially when they get in too deep on the micromanagement of teams and their setups... *cough*. This game fits into that vein perfectly. More than I thought it would. So I guess I'm biased. Yea I'm well hooked!

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