Tuesday 1 February 2022


While this blog and my gaming have always tried to follow the three unwritten rules. 3 issues that alone or in combination cause the most heated side taking and 'conversation'... Sexuality, Religion and Politics. I'm going to break that politics one.

Maybe because I'm Irish and the weekend that's in it. I do have a gripe about the last cutscene for that extra campaign. Ireland has a different view of Churchill and while this is all a game and fake narrative; Some things still strike an uneasy feeling.  For me is was the line about him maybe saving lives. I think his choices did both save and take lives in WW2 on both sides, from both civilian and military. His legacy in Britain is of a savior... But he is no saint. For those of us outside that island he's 'less so'. It seems that Britain may also be coming around to more nuanced thinking after the last 6 years..... Then again maybe not. But all that could be a whole other blog site. Anyway I left the cutscene in the video I did for this. I can let it go but I cant let i go without saying something about it.

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