Friday 4 February 2022

Democracy 4....

Democracy 4, a game I've been popping in and out of, on a longterm semi-regular basis. It's another one of those games that brings one more turn to the table. It's also been getting some nice updates
It's been a while since I got the game and since I last posted about it. Not that I've any real news to say about it.... I'm still playing it, every now and again.... I guess that shouldn't be a surprise as Democracy 3 had three posts in three years...

A game that's definitely niche but if your into it "your into it". One turn can easily become 10 turns and hours later the next thing you know your in deep trying to recover from and avert an 'event'.

I like pottering away with it. Save points help with 'experimenting' with polices. Not that I've been trying for a perfect play-though(or achievements). Lots of elements, some random, add to that mix. Sometimes policies take a long time to unfold or become a 'thing' after other policies mix in.  By that stage it's usually a lost cause for persistent game-play. Still there is fun in trying and get out of situations even when some things are inevitable.

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