Friday 25 February 2022

XCOM Chimera Squad....

Since my last post about the game I've been playing it, a lot! I'm enjoying it's take on the Xcom franchise. It's definitely a game that embraces it's offshoot nature. It's S.W.A.T. team mechanics work well for it as does the one-liner comedy and character interactions. So it's fair to say the game ticks a lot of boxes for me.

The end bosses for each investigation 'act' are not all that hard in themselves but the protection they have amassed around them in followers/goons are the tough part. It's a lot more strategic than 'just' wiping out all enemies on the map. 

That's not to say there aren't situations like that; But there're usually objectives to meet to stop reinforcements and then you have to clear up the map.

The end few missions definitely took some license with the Xcom lore; At least from what I've known. But so much of it was over my head anyway it didn't matter to me(Xcom 2 still not my thing).

That said the end missions are the epitome of the games mechanics. Enemy waves only getting worse the longer the main objective isn't dealt with. Difficult turns to near impossible to deal with when enemies abound. Overwhelming firepower is not the answer. Team members with multiple abilities/ and uses are key. As is luck. If you find a group/team that works well for your play-style then it becomes easier. RNG is also still a thing, Xcom is Xcom and wouldn't be the same without it. I've had some throw hand in the air moments. The ending was in retrospect worth any hassle and repeated missions. It rounds out the story with a feel good factor that vindicates my 'tv show spin-off' feel for Chimera. Open ended with a mysterious baddie but never a second season to follow it up; And indeed that is a pity. 
Fun was had and given a break I can see myself getting back into it for a repeat run(to get to play some characters I didn't get to choose.... Which probably means 2 more runs but time will tell).

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