Monday 14 February 2022


They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery; On a base level often times its a fine line between being influenced by and straight up plagiarism. Two games that have interested me of late are essentially Subnautica clones, but in the good way. It's all further complicated by game engine, models and rights so I won't even attempt to speak about those; Suffice it to say there's a lot of similarity in a lot of ways. Besides it's not like Subnautica hasn't done well, as opposed to poor Unpacking recently(great game).

So two games..... One is still an under the sea adventure; The other is more a 'complete conversion' as your on a planet making do instead of under an ocean.

Both have menus, items, game mechanics, textures and 'feel' the same as Subnautica; But both have a take all their own and both I think will be worth it in the end. One sooner than the other.


INFLUXIS is in "Early Access" and is more a 'clone' of Subnautica; So it's a single player sci-fi underwatery survival game. 

It's in it's early stages(Beta in summer '22)... Unpolished in a lot of ways with interesting elements of newness to it. Done by a one man 'team' it's roots are clearly seen coming from Subnautica. But I think it's worth not causally dismissing it. There's genuine effort to make a game that's worthy in different ways while keeping things similar... Like it's an alternative reality, the same but different. Playable(but janky) and interesting to see develop, worth keeping an eye on.



While so much of this game can directly translate from what a player knows of Subnautica(and Minecraft); It's more a No Man's Sky(jetpack and all) crossover of Subnautica. It's land based and tries to do something more in positive ways than being a 'clone'. It's incredibly playable as is!!!!!!! 
It's a lot more of a fleshed out game than INFLUXIS; And I found myself  'playing it' in the same Subnautica/Minecraft and No Man's Sky way. Explore, gather, craft, scramble for oxygen before it runs out. Yes the playability is strong. It's got objectives and there's a compelling sense of accomplishment as you go, just by surviving..... As with Subnautica etc. I've not seen any other life forms but I'm ok with that. 
As I usually say, a picture is worth a thousand words, so here's a bunch of screenshots.

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