Friday 19 August 2022

The Planet Crafter....

As with many other games of the same 'type' Planet Crafter is one you can spend a lot of time in 'just doing stuff'. From gathering, crafting, rearranging and increasing the transforming numbers to faffing about for the sake of faffing about. All interesting in their own right given the gameplay mood.

My main save is one that's got a lot of everything. Completed and gathered to an extreme extent. The newest content has been well scoured for loot and resources. 

The new 'best' glowing larva are well stocked; So much so that I can have them as decoration and leave a few in the incubator as a form of display. 

The best corner in the shroom river is still the best spawn rate location to gather them.

In looking for more to do I've also done some decentralization of buildings to enhance my 'world' building. Places now 'feel' better, more lived in. More a personal preference than any practical gameplay reason. 

I could have stuffed one location with as many buildings as possible. Or developed a more vertical skyscraper stacking methodology. As I've said before the playerbase sharing their builds shows really interesting innovative 'takes' on things.

With so much done in game I found myself starting again on a new save. To see the game from start again. What a difference a playthough makes. My perceptions of survival in the new save seems a lot less of a problem. Granted the game has had many updates, balance tweaks and changes since I first started; but still it seemed a lot 'easier' now. I'd not to run back to the pod to get air as often, upgrades seemed to 'pop' and unlock quicker. I've a memory of clearing a lot of resources from the start area before even having a lot to show for it. The new save feels like I've barley gathered much; Then again gathering loot from crates and knowing where specific resources are located is always going to make it feel that way. I guess I just 'miss' the 'real' unknown; No wonder new content is lapped up when it hits the game. That said it's been noticeably easier to terraform the planet, blue sky and rain in a few hours with only a 'few' items placed as opposed to days of old save gameplay. I can't help but feel that that lessens the meaningfulness of survival. But I've ploughed on... So much so I'm comfortable and have no need to really push on any further.. That it makes more sense to go back to my main save. Fun enough to restart but no real reason to maintain it further..... Maybe a change is as good as a rest, in short bursts.

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