Monday 29 August 2022

The Planet Crafter....

Yet more changing, tweaking and gathering of stuffs. As I've said before, it's 'just that type' of game that's fun to be in. So needless to say I've been lost in it's minutia again. More-so in a second 'fresh' game save over the last weekend.

The game is early access but there are some small differences when a patch hits that don't fully translate to older saves. I'm glad to have save continuity and I can live with the disparity. The new areas from the last patch(butterflies and waterfalls) are fine across saves(for me) but the previous 'new' area in the crater is different. My old save has never seen it as the new save has. Early game it's enveloped in sand clouds. Getting into the crater there is a massive asteroid. An Iridium asteroid with lots of Iridium ore and rods. Iridium heaven. The older save 'just' has a small dimple in the center of the crater and a bunch of super alloy spread around. The differences are glaring.

I've no issue with the differences between saves. Early access is early access. I have faith that there will be further changes for all saves for the better. Future technical possibilities aside a second save is worth it. Like seeing a new and improved crater with asteroid.

Again early access is early access.

Checking out the discussions there was a lot of internet chat about a rare larva, lots of comments and complaints at how rare it is....

It didn't take long for me to find them once I knew the spot where they spawn(other dudes crash site). That said I think it was easier for me due to the level of terraforming.  

Besides its far more easy (at least for me) to find the superior 800% larva.

Yea the pink at 700% is the second best stat wise I've seen; But I can get a whole lot more, more quickly. I'll stick with the pink glowing ones. Gathering all larva in a small area seems to give an equal chance of a 'special' larva spawn. So time, gathering and chance..... The better the terraforming % = the better that chance.

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