Thursday 25 August 2022

Mini Metro....

A game I've not played in a while(posting last October and again last Feb). Not that I've abandoned the game but Mini Motorways being the newer had taken more of a priority; That's not to say the game has been ignored by the devs either. They've updated a lot both in UI and background tweaks as well as adding new maps and challenges. Mini Motorways in many ways has been a good thing for crossover development and improvements. It's really nice to see such actions as a gamer.

It's the latest patch notes that popped up for Mini Metro that caught my attention. 

Getting back to the game was easy from a gameplay mechanic perspective. One of the new maps needed an increase to the passenger numbers in a previous map to unlock it so I set about the task.

A quick fail state later and I was back in the full swing of it and unlocked on the second attempt.

It doesn't seem so long since I was last in the game but time flies. I'm no master Mini Metro player. No min maxing of routes for perfection. Some maps hold my interest more than others, it can be fun to 'optimize' tactics for gamplay on those for the sake of playing rather than 'beating' the map. Overall it's fun to be back at it.

A game where you can go into maps thinking your gonna do things a certain way only to be left 30 seconds later with a map that looks like you just threw a plate of spaghetti bolognese at a wall. 
There's both little time to react, yet infinite time to ponder. The joy of compounded actions and a pause button.

Each map is so deceptively simple at the start. But the decisions to run one line or two, two locomotives or three or to have a bridge here and a bridge there; Or to hold back a line and a locomotive all does have impact early as well as late. Then there's some random station popup that just screws with you.

Some things work out and others not so much. The games music and sounds as much a helping indicator as a pulsing pressure. What a great game. I must make more time for it.

With a long stint away from the game there are lots of newer maps to work on.

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