Thursday 4 August 2022

Two Point Hospital....

Two Point Hospital game-play it's still not happening. A downward trajectory from the last time I posted has truly turned into a flatline. Again I'll say it's a me thing. I do love the game, it's mechanics and it's humour. I've bought more DLC than I probably should have and in retrospect don't regret. 

I mean clown ambulances.... Flying Ducks! Whats not to like! I'm wondering where my funny bone went! 

So the motivation to play and enjoy it's world is just not there anymore and hasn't been for some time. Maybe I've not given it enough time, enough of a break to make a return to the game more 'wanted'. 

Giving space and time away from the game hasn't helped so far. I think it's fair to say the light for the game really has gone out. A bit harsh of a statement. If I'd any flicker of motivation I'd be in the game, even just a little. Of course there's also the reasoning that I've more games to play than I can shake a stick at(PC and Xbox) but again if I'd any motivation for the game I'd be back to it regardless and not just before I post on a blog about it.

Fundamentally as much as DLC brings new items, situations and mechanics the core mechanics remain the same; I can't get my mind passed that basis, so a lot of it 'feels' like a grind despite any new window dressing. A retread of what has been done to death. Maybe I do need to uninstall it, cut it off completely.

As they say, the more things change the more they stay the same. It's both a good and a bad thing. 

I just don't know how to get that spark for the game back. It's a me thing for sure. As much as I waffle about it I'm not a theory crafter about the game. When I play it I 'just' play it without too much thought. I 'just' like to play it.... And now I don't. Like a light switch easy to turn off but hard to turn back on.  Now that I'm not playing it I'll waffle on the internet about why I think that is. Thinking about it too much.

It's funny(not ha ha funny) how some games are like this. Other games I can enjoy and walk away from. Even ones I've put lots of time, effort and cash into. Yet more I've held onto and stuck with to get more from (I've posted about many of those) in long-term ways.

What has saved the game and kept it installed is that I've invested so much(too much?) time and effort with lots of DLC content still to do. I know there's more value to gain from it... Maybe I'm just being too pig headed. I need to forget about it and play the game whenever I get the urge..... Then again that's the problem... No urge. Catch 22.

So what have I done in the game to bring all this waffle out. Not much. 10 minutes of gameplay in months. I'd been working on the second star of the second map on the latest DLC(speedy recovery). Unlocking the third map in doing so. The goals the same, gain stars, complete levels, earn money/upgrades/kudos..... 

Time will tell. So more time away from the game and more of a wait and see.... ? 

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