Wednesday 31 August 2022

Games with Gold...

Septembers games with gold....

Gods will Fall - A new enough game (released last year); By all accounts a 'meh' game when compared to the likes of Torchlight. Similar in both looks/style and combat. But the RnG nature of the game is apparently overboard to a frustrating point. A niche game it seems, one I'll claim and probably skip playing.

Double Kick Heroes - Another new enough game(2020). A shoot'em'up side scrolling rhythm game that looks interesting but just not a game for me. Proof may be in the pudding but .... I'm 'meh' about it. I find some, if not nearly all rhythm games frustrating(Beat Saber is an exception but then again it's on a more physical interactive platform).  A claim and skip I think for this one.

Thrillville - Another theme park management game from classic Xbox. Thrillville Off The Rails was only just given away. Both the same yet very different in aspects of style and park management never mind their 'mini-games'. I took a quick look at Off the Rails; I can see where the fun in both games management and mini 'games' is. For me in the here and now they just didn't do it for me. So again with Thrillcville not a game for me. If Planet Coaster(blogged here) was too detailed I'd say Off the Rails and Thrillville are on the other end of the scale. Another claim and skip for me.

The big ticket item of the months games, Portal 2 - A game a friend has tried to get me to play for a while. Given the meme's around the first game the second very much lived up to the first. Both classic game and both with dedicated fans one over the other as well as both. At the very least I can claim and give it a go.

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