Wednesday 12 August 2015

Eve online.... Problems

It may be a glorious summers day outside but I was looking froward to some Eve time.
As I was on my Null alt today I noticed that when warping some systems would be laggy and others it seemed like time was sped up. I thought that this was just my pc as I just upgraded to windows 10 yesterday (held off a few days to make sure I had files in order etc.) but it seems that there is a bigger problem.

I got disconnected due to this and am unable to log back in.

I'm not the only one....

The number of logged in pilots is increasing slowly but there still seems to be ongoing problems.

At least I wasn't in space when it crápped out. I'd say there is probably another reboot or two in the air.

Dust 514 is having similar problems but on a more glitchy feel as sometimes I can get in and other times it says the servers are down. There have been a number of ongoing problems with Dust over the last two weeks so maybe it's something bigger than Dust.

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