Monday 3 August 2015

Eve Online.... a few links of note

I was glad to see this dev post saying that the ghost fitting option within Eve is still being developed. It will be a great feature.
Details from fanfest 2015 are in the video below at about 32 minutes in....

More happenings within the NPC Empire of Amarr are ongoing, I wish I could see something like it when I am online and in that area... Time will tell if I can get to see such things and where they are all leading towards.

I recently read an interesting post about the Incarna expansion and the changes brought about and where it evolved from, this was part of a greater series of posts that are well worth a read.

Another good read was this post about the trade hubs and a view of their markets. But even after reading it I don't think I'll be hauling to other regions to sell instead instead of going to Jita (or using the nearest "main" hub). Maybe that's where I am going well wrong, selling at a loss (-8%) and buying for more when I could in other places (whats that extra 100k isk instead of jumping 6 systems). I'm no industrialist or market savvy capitalist and I don't think I have the time to be.
Time or money, money or time. It's what it all boils down to.

The last post I'll mention is a good write up on Evehermit's blog about repairing his standings, worth a read. Reminds me a lot of doing the epic arcs and cosmos missions a good while ago. I always found these guides great when doing them. It's been a while since I took a character into the cosmos complex's. My null alt is probably the only one who hasn't done some work towards better standings. Not that he is my new Gallente hi-sec alt I might see about a break from null and run some of those cosmos missions and the Epic arc....

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