Thursday 13 August 2015

Mini gaming news update....

Well it seems that I was hasty in saying there would be a divide in the pvp and pve gear in wow, there looks to be no more pvp gear. Instead there seems to be that levelling systems for pvp progression. That is a change, As commented here it is good with the  bad. I'm still not convinced with the next expansion. Everything that is not the current expansion seems to be left to rot and is being given no regard. Farm in Pandaria, Garrison in Draenor, whatever we are supposed to care about in the next expansion (ship?).

Eve was also not affected by any further problems and didnt' need any more restarts. Thankfully. Even Dust seems to be back to it's "normal" state.

I was interested to see the new Amarr Flagship here.

It looks really cool.

The next blog about the new citadel stations is long and complicated but its really the next one due out that I'll be really interested in.

And on a side note another youtube channel that I hope will do more Eve Online stuffz.

With my main pc upgraded to Windows 10 I've gotten all my upgrades done with no pain at all. Of all the software only two games were affected. Xcom Enemy Within needed to be reinstalled and Rome Total Wat needed to have a parameter changed in it's start up to run properly. All else worked fine. Even the Close Combat games I've had installed.

About a week ago I saw a link to a free game (free for a 24 hour period) on steam and as I had 24 minutes left to get it, seeing it was mildly interesting from that I could see I downloaded it. I have to say that it is a great little game and I'm glad it was free. I doubt it would be worth it for me to buy it but as a freebie I love it. Easy to hop in out of for a quick blast of action.

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