Thursday 27 August 2015

Interesting news and updates in Eve....

An interesting question and something I've pondered myself was a reddit question on why people in Eve head towards the robber gameplay rather than try to be the cops.

I've been interested in a another blog that has this entry and this entry about soloing some wormhole content.

With the end of Jesters Trek blog the fallback for that has been to keep an eye on his reddit entries.
Part of which was a fitting question on an update to the Crane fit I found interesting.

[Crane, Basic]
use either Cargohold Optimization or Hyperspace Velocity rigs

Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
EM Ward Field II

Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
[empty high slot]

Medium Cargohold Optimization II
Medium Cargohold Optimization II

I'm always keep so see what I can get my characters involved with. Despite the risk averse carebear in me I was very tempted to get an alt into a corp or two of this alliance. Not that I've done anything about it yet. The biggest stopping point is my alt training, once they have used up their training time I'll start using them more.

The new patch for Eve seems to have more minor art/ui stuff ontop of the "big" changes. It's all appreciated but this patch is not a big one. Of course the Fossie Sov changes are ongoing but its not a thing that really affects my gameplay.
The new SKINS are ongoing as well, of which I would be more interested in a general skin that would cover multiple hulls.
I'm not that thrilled with the changes to the Dominix and the worst part of that change is better shown on this blog.

With the new "formal" declaration of war from the Amarr faction against the Drifters, there looks to be a new set of incursions incoming. Lets hope there is some smaller solo content as part of that.

Another patch/expansion/release and not a glimmer of a mystery code item.....

"This is just the beginning of what the Mystery Code will unlock.  In the future, whenever we have big things happening—not just across the EVE Universe but across all CCP games—you will find a Mystery Code element to enjoy.
There’s much more planned we can’t discuss right now, but you can rest assured that as we continue our journey into the Second Decade with you, the Mystery Code will be your perfect travelling companion."   -CCP

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