Sunday 9 August 2015

Wow's next expansion.... Legion

Rant ahead so be warned....

With the release of information regarding the new wow expansion I have to say I'm not looking forward to it.
I have barley gotten 2 of my 100's to the last part of the legendary quest chain never mind so much more to experience on other characters without getting the goalposts moved again. And sooner than I expected.

I think this new expansion is just a rehash of Outlands (again) and against the Burning Legion (again). What joy is there in that besides, grinding against that foe (again), for levelling/gearing/reputationing "stuff" (again) that will be outdated or surpassed in the blink of an eye (again).

Some of the key points of the expansion don't make me want to play the game they just make me think why I dont' want to play it!

New level 110 cap hits adds on that extra 10 levels. Not unexpected but at dinging 100 you think you'd get at least a silver dragon around your chars image, wouldn't that have been nice. Nope its just another grind this time to 110 a formality before you diversify your grinding between reputations, gear and alt levelling etc.

Demon Hunter class. They are essentially a new rogue/hunter hybrid (play as  Illidan mode). Taking the best of both those classes and adding in a bit of druid to go along with the story line. What a waste of a new class. There is so much that could be done to buff current classes, like giving a forth spec, or actually balancing the current classes properly! (gasp!)

Artifact weapons. Big wuwho, its just another legendary quest line/item to grind and just when you have it done it'll be no use as the next expansion will be out.

Class Order Halls...... Really! CLASS HALLS!!!!! They must have miss-heard GUILD HALLS!!!!!!!!!!!

A PvP progression system. Good for the pvpers but it's going to bring back the pvp/pve gear divide. With the current way that gear changes to the spec of your class you think they would have made this easier but no, another for separate gear....  The divide is gonna be bigger than ever.

Social feature tweaks. New selfie cam? Auto Twitter your loot drops? (enter sarcastic remark here). There are better things to be trumpeted in an expansion

One character boosted to level 100 for Legion. Hmmmm or pay for it on the ingame shop.... why bother levelling...... At least they seem to admit that questing and levelling up is a grind that is not "fun gameplay". If only they could see what else is a grind....

Needless to say currently I'm really anti-wow and yet I am still playing it. A few weeks left until that time runs out. The friends are good but he game has worn me down. There really is only so much of it a person can take. The excited/burnout cycle chain has broken in me.
This interview is interesting. Wow is the most accessible mmo out there and yet it could be so much more. I think they need to be reminded of what is needed rather than what they think it should be.

Fro some reason I seem to now think of wow in the way that the 80's Transformers cartoon changed. It went from giant form changing robots to giant changing robots using humans as transformers as guns and heads..... when is too much too much.

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