Sunday 9 August 2015

Eve online.... gameplay views

I've stated a few times on this blog that I play in a more solo way (or maybe a more "personal" way describes it better) with Eve online. It is the sandbox after all.
I've also made my own comments on people that expect other players to behave in a certain. They expect conformity, to play the game as they perceive it to be played and that all others are "fail". I have always hated that and although I may have made a comment or two that skewed in that vain (like hating griefers) I have always believed that if that's the way they want to play then they can and should. That is another part of the sandbox after all. I just wish I didn't have them on my lawn as often as they do be.
(If a large mob of muggers were constantly harassing shoppers at the entrance or exit to a shopping mall I think there would be a more proactive police (concord) intervention.)
This is all very philosophical talk and gets away form actually playing the game but there are some people that are blogging about what players deserve from a game and the way people react in this game and with each other.... well worth reading:

I also came across this video and although I think he missed that the game has Faction warfare and it's ranks I get where he is coming from. I'd say a lot of other people would do as well.

Roll out the ever trusty Eve what to do pic....

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