Monday 3 August 2015

Firefly online.... Companion

There is a great little (big enough) companion to ease you into the universe before the main game is released and it looks like it is well worth the peek.

It's available on steam and will let you get your start in the universe.

In saying that I'm not going to drop a penny on any of the in game purchases. I like to think that the delay in bringing Firefly online is due to the company wanting to bring the best game possible to the fans. I can't help but wonder if there is cash grabbing going on with this program/app. So for now I'll potter about and poke my nose into this version of the universe and hope that the full proper game
gets released sooner rather than later. They do seem to be making the game a proper fully featured MMO.
The scope of this game has changed, it's very far from the phone app it started as. Maybe that is why this version is out now, to not let that old work go to waste and to sate some of the appetite that people have.
When the game is released and if there is a massive difference between a player that has paid for items and one that is fully free-to-play, I'd stick with the free to play. It would be a truer version in spirit of the hapless adventure always down on their luck trying to get by. That to me is a better version and more immersive.

Development isn't all doom and gloom there are some interesting video's from this years comic-con that give more information and insite.

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