Tuesday 18 August 2015

Structure concern....

Sugar Kyle on her blog refined the citadel information/roundtable(townhall) with this document which has all the distilled need to know details. She has done a great job with the townhall despite the problems. The document is worth a read to see a clearer picture of the current (ish) state of the new structures incoming. 
Funny how CCP moved on from jump fatigue and moved on from the current iteration of Fozzie sov and is now onto the new structures. CCP are good listening to players but they still seem to spite themselves. Even after implementation of changes and players giving feedback or even looking for more balance CCP do plough on without fully resolving the main issues of those changes to the game. Maybe they need to share more information on the bigger picture but that has backfired in the past. I feel that it's this type of large changes that needed the longer release times of the older expansions, so CCP would have a more time to test/talk and get feedback rather than have things be more mashed up. There just seems to be so many issues being overlapped by other issues. Despite the last few changes and current talk of future chances my main gameplay is not really affected by any of those issues yet. Despite some bloggers saying that NPC stations will not be changing at all, CCP seem to have it on the end of the drawing board.... I'm still concerned by how they intend to go ahead with that change no matter how far off CCP say it is.

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