Tuesday 9 January 2018


Exasperation's only Deadpool could put a voice to. Colorado is "doing my nut in".
The game seems to be trolling me. Doing anything let alone suit only silent assassin is like Sideshow Bob on the rakes.

Sneaking to the garage and getting the bail of hay to fall on one target is very doable. It's the weaving and avoidance to get to the basement of the main house that is the real problem. If I could get there I'd drop the save and then wait for all of the other 3 targets to show up. The house is the focal point that all three cross back into as part of their 'pattern'. With a distraction into the basement and a kill on all three there I wouldn't need to get the mask from the hackers 3d printer, just use the original face and exit.
Normal mode being stealthy needed at least three saves from garage to basement to work. I need a crap tonne of luck to get to the potential basement save point in pro. Luck and the mindset.

On the up side the next elusive target is listed....

He's unique in that he doesn't have a set rotation of actions. If he does it once he wont' do it again. Lots of youtubers during the original run of the target seemed to hone in early on getting an auction waiter disguise and poisoning a specific drink before he got to it at the start of his actions. While that is very Hitman and a safer way to do it I might see about a sniper approach. The newer sniper rifle doesn't seem to let you get spotted by guards like the older ones. An accident kill would be better...

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