Friday 19 January 2018

A gaming update.....

Games, so many games. I've got a long list. A list that is only seeming to get longer. What I consider to be my current active list includes some older games and others that were brand new with a season pass and all the trimmings.

My 'current' games:
Torchlight II
Battlefleet Gothic
Aven Colony
Planet Coaster
Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor
XCOM 2 (not War of the Chosen)
Divinity Original Sin 2
The Witcher 3 (GOTY)
Battlefield 1 (DLC; Updates)

The length and depth (Coldwaters pun) of some of those games are massive. Me being a competitionist doesn't help in the slightest. When looking at how long it would take to 'complete' the bigger games it becomes a daunting task to even consider starting.

Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor,  between 21 to 76 hours of gameplay
The Witcher 3 (GOTY), about 160 hours of gameplay.
XCOM 2, 60 to 180 hours of gameplay.
Divinity Original Sin 2 130 to 160 hours.

Looking at those numbers makes me forget about the gameplay and completely scuttles(Coldwaters pun?) the fun out of the process.

The number of games I've considered complete but that are receiving updates/addons is also increasing. These add to the pressure. It seems much easier to go back to games I already consider as complete when they are still providing new content.

Ongoing games(Including MMO's):
Hitman (Elusive targets, Pro mode)
Everspace (Expansion)
Ghost Recon Wildlands (Challenges)
Domina (lots of game changing updates)
South Park TFBW (DLC)
Darkest Dungeon (Updates, DLC)
Kingdoms and Castles (Updates)
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (Updates)
Stardew Valley (Updates)
Eve Online (never ending updates/content)
Star Trek Online (never ending updates/content)

It's hard for me to cut the cord on a lot of games. I've dropped a good few in the last year. Given them a go, played and decided nah it's never gonna work. Not quiet sorting the wheat from the chaff but definitely culling the herd.

Of the four big time killing games I listed above the only game considered new and current in the gaming world is Divinity OS2. At least for now. That says a lot for my 'new' game progression.

While I like getting free games and games at a discount in a steam/gog or other sale, the last few month's has felt overflowing with offers. It's one reason I avoid the humble bundles. So much content at a low price; Almost too much content. If I can't get through the games I currently have then what hope of getting through an avalanche of games for the sake of buying cheaply in bulk no matter the organisation's cause.

Completion of games is balanced by the amount of time needed to complete the games in an enjoyable fashion. Enjoyment is key, why else play the games. Some enjoyment is better than others. My enjoyment of eve is born from being able to micromanage assets and not just a story-line.
I'm not sure there is a happy middle ground. I need to curb the ultra completionist in me. That will be hard to do, ignoring distant loot and side-quests isn't easy never mind whole game completion-ism.
Yet new games that spark interest or are a genre I like get added on and only increase the "workload".

I've already started to ignore the latest launches, if I can't play it right away why spring full price for a game and it's extras. Wait 6 month's or a year and pick up the GOTY edition at 75 % off. The biggest burns in that regard I feel are Xcom2 and The Witcher 3. Time in this new year will only increase that "I should have waited" regret list. But even with The Witcher 3 I originally got the base copy of the game on my xbox over two years ago and never really played it!

There is an element of being defeatist and maybe some games on the list will never be 'done' with. Maybe the next day I've got a lot of time I'll but a few hours into one and make a decision to go on or cut it....
I need to stick to the fun. It's what I've been doing and another reason I've got a long list (replaying older games new content. Completion for completions sake is not worth it.

This is an ongoing struggle with no simple answer.

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