Friday 12 January 2018

Torchlight II....

I've been randomly doing a few really short Torchlight II "moments" of game play. 10 minutes here and 15 minutes there. It's a game with a wow look and feel that sits well with me. The combat/game difficulty is also perfect set to 'casual'. I really like that it has a mode called 'casual'. That and the fact that it can be done solo. Somewhere an Torchlight II eletist is choking the fact the game has a casual mode. That also pleases me.

Today was one of those day's away from home with a large amount of waiting around. So a perfect opportunity to sink some real time into the game. Overall I got to sink a good 5 hours into it. Which brought me to about halfway through the second act.
I felt very accomplished in that progress, gear, stored items both for my character and in the shared chest for any alts I might do.
After a long day I was looking forward to getting home, transferring the save from the laptop to the pc and doing a little more. One more go syndrome and all. But that wasn't to be, I transferred the save and loaded it up to see not a lvl 29 character but a lvl 11.... I checked the laptop again and transferred the save. Same results. Running the game on the laptop also showed a level 11 character....
Before going home I transfered all I needed off the laptop to the usb. I must have overwritten the old save from the usb to the laptop instead of the latest laptop save to the usb. Idiotic. I usually never leave a saved game on the usb, I usually cut and past.... What a brain fart. 5 hours and lots of loot/accomplishment lost.

At least I still have the steam achievements (and some recorded gameplay). Being casual it doesn't feel like I won't be able to repeat and replace what I had. Maybe there will be better drops. Bright side and all.

Still sucks tho. The loot was real. I might just leave the game alone for a while to 'heal' the pain.

I am a fluffy cloud floating over green meadows....
I am a fluffy cloud floating over green meadows....
I am a fluffy cloud floating over green meadows....


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