Monday 8 January 2018


With Q's winter wonderland still going(til the 12th) I've been taking the opportunity to continue the daily race and claim 40 free rep tokens. It's a nice extra boost that has been helping to get my mains reputation grind going. With the daily race I've also been adding in rounds of red alerts to claim more mark packs. By the time I've done all three red alerts and the race/winter event there is usually an alert off cooldown and I start to repeat until I'm not feeling in the mood any more.

The auto choose for the marks sounds ominous, I've not let it do that yet. I'd think it would pick the first of the lowest rep not maxed out .... right.... right.... Nah I'm not gonna chance it. Personal selection all the way.

I'm liking that the rep doesn't feel like a grind but it really is. It's also the best way to get a lot of  spare items (ground and space) that you'll be vendoring purple items like there's no tomorrow.

I've taken some more time to get a few pets from the winter event on my other captains. That mainly started as a 'need' to get the mini Kramp’Ihri pet on my Klingon character.

My lowest level captain (lil'ol lvl 11) got a logon to claim his next freebie ship. I've not been back to Earth spacedock's bank/exchange since the q event started. The winter wonderland mini Q all in one NPC is too good not to park at. But it seem there has been a new NPC standing order(pun intended, hardy har har). Props to the player in the background who got their character looking like Supergirl.

Speaking of what players look like, the winter event has a mix of players from all sides present that proved interesting. So here in all shapes and sizes is a cross section of the playerbase.
Spot the (imho) super cool Prometheus engineer alien lookalike.

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