Wednesday 3 January 2018


Watching the latest ship review (Winter reward) from Parallel Universe Gaming is both a great thing to behold(informative/educational) but makes me a sad solo carebear.

Seeing what "pro" players can do with a ship, it's fittings and talk about character setup, abilities, pro's and con's, only highlights how little I know. Seeing that review video makes me want to reach that level of knowledge and accomplishment. But then I see what I can do with what I have in game and I'm left feeling like a toddler with Duplo while the older kids are playing with Technic. Getting to that level would need me to team up, share/learn knowledge etc. Which defeats the purpose of being a casual player. It's a double edge game-play existence.

So on a side note, speaking of Technic...

I saw the 911GT Technic model made up in a display case during Chrimbo shopping in a toy store.... I liked it then when I looked at it(leered) but I didn't think I wanted(needed) it.... The Lego video now shows me the error in my way... I do think I now need this in my life (bye bye potential chromebook)....

The only problem is I'd need a build spot.... Taking over the dinning room table may not be an option(wagro).... Time to man-child.

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