Monday 1 October 2018


There's something about the end-game that while seeming repetitive, is still enjoyably engaging. Maybe this is where the open world shines. Reputation management's real reason for being, maybe I should have spent way longer in the main story campaign. Micromanagement motivation as well, in a self made to do list. The needs to have two more pilots on max stats, 4 more mech's of a certain type etc.

I had a major loss of a pilot this week. A long term pilot sniped out of her mech. It surprised me when it happened. Granted I was as usual pushing the limits of mech damage. This was a step too far and she was lost. Yet I haven't felt like I needed to hold back or change tactics.

While it's easy to reload a save and redo the mission, I thought I had done just that; So the next day I jumped back in and started playing with a stint on my lance 2 pilots/mech's. But 8 or so missions later, when I went back to lance 3 I realised I had continued on from the save just after she was lost.
I could re-load and redo it all, but that was a non runner as I'd gotten some mech parts that completed rare (for me) mech's. So the decision was simple, mech's verses pilot, mech's win. Sorry Terrorbird, everybody in lance 3 just got a promotion.

One last hurrah for the original Stalker lance:

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