Tuesday 16 October 2018

ETS 2....

ETS 2's latest event Trade Connections - Germany was a nice addition to the game. I like their events, especially the community goals. This time round the main reward being the dash decoration.

During my time in game with the event I got to extent my garage/driver network. It's great to have allowed the drivers to level up a bit. 

I can now also see the benefit of allowing so much in game time to pass with all my free roaming map discovery. Events like this allow the same to happen, but with a little more profit. 
I've not been strapped for cash in game for a long time but daily profits have never been higher. Almost a million per in game day after expenses. Go my trucking minions go!

The community rewards for the event are also looking nice. I'll be doing a few more deliveries to add to the overall goal.

With a lot of driving, the latest patch's random events are of interest. Like a pimped out sports car pulled over by the cops with a police chopper flying about overhead. Or lanes closed with fire engines and police around a burned out truck trailer. It's got a lot from those bit ones to the smaller broken down car in the hard shoulder to a fly-tipped black bag.

But I was surprised to see a plane.... 
That made me more than rubber-neck the situation. (Squirrel?)

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