Sunday 28 October 2018

Project Nova....

Massive amounts of waffle ahead.....


Project Nova; Where do I start.

I've been waffling in huge swath's of text trying to make sense of the latest news and information from Eve Vegas. I've deleting more paragraphs than I care to mention, nit picking, over-analysing. Ultimately I don't accept the premise of CCP's thinking in the distillation of Dust 514 into Project Nova. But why should I justify my thinking, this is a blog and I can be opinionated.

I'm not in the know and info from CCP is very wishy-washy, mainly because they don't know the answers yet themselves(even if it's to just say 'no'). CCP seem to be trying to fit the essence of Dust into a smaller more streamlined Nova container. All the same great feelings with none of the technical problems. Ditching dead weight like game mechanics, dust players and possibly good will.
Yea I'm bitching. Because the more I think about it the more I now know that Legion was the Dust replacement the community needed, not Project Nova.

I'm disappointed in what was shown about Nova and in what the game promises to be, a basic FPS with no grand vision.

Nova seems like it will be a constantly ongoing project that has no end. It's nice to have a company behind a long term product but Nova is not a whole product to begin with. It doesn't know what it's supposed to be. Basic PvP arena shooter? Drone rush/wave PvE co-op?

As a product whats there to get behind?

CCP can show all the video story-lines they want but there's no vision for nova in gameplay terms at all. Not like Dust. Dust was about ground troops in a massive war, Nova is a smaller scale ship boarding party..... Is CCP once fps bitten twice fps shy?

I liked Dust because it was a product. It delivered. Maybe not fully formed and not flawless but it had broad form and function. Having player feedback added and improved  the game via CCP Rattati, the man, the legend, the Dust godsend. Players could see the potential and could lobby Rattati for change/additions. Rattati did his best with what he had at the time. Nova is starting off as so much less of a game, but sells more of a promise of improvements and additions in the future. Promises for players to hang their hopes on. Hopes for a better game without knowing if Nova is aiming in the same direction. CCP has never done well with promises.  CCP promises may as well be a meme at this stage. But CCP don't seem to say they have a plan outside of a New Eden based FPS, cutting out 90%(or more) of what Dust had. CCP is being more CCP than ever with Nova. And that's frustrating.

All in all I don't trust the internal working process's of CCP to deliver a great Dust replacement.
Like Eve they are making Nova a niche title. Nova will be niche in it's Eve/New Eden theme/graphics and not much else. There not aiming for mass markets. Fair enough. Bigger picture, longer term planning(I hope!). But to what ends? I have faith in CCP Rattati, but there are too many 'but's'. It's sounding like Nova will be a never ending Beta on "release", like so many FPS beta's on Steam.
Worse still they may just be doing Nova as an alt-tab game for Eve players just because it's New Eden based...... Such a downgrade in vision!

While I'd have liked a great or a good replacement for Dust 514, it seems that Project Nova doesn't cut the mustard.  Not just because it's in a pre Alpha stage but the long term talk from CCP does nothing at all for me. No vehicles, no planetary maps and the bare minimum of player trade interaction. Let alone a veterans need to be acknowledged for past property and deeds.
Where is the ambition. I swear Nova would be more exciting if CCP asset flipped a generic shooter and presented it as it's own Ta-Da!.

Proof is in the pudding and time will tell. But that waiting is as much a killer for Nova as anything else! Especially not having enough of a game on 'release'!

Here I go again waffling.

Sure you'll get players to return and their friends but if I'm a veteran returning and I'm not feeling the love for the game I'm not gonna be promoting it. Never mind trying to build up to where I was in Dust. Not that Nova will have anywhere near the same range of weapons, suits or fitting options(suit spinning). Dust was Lego Technic, Nova is Lego Duplo! Dust felt right. Maybe Project Nova will as well with time. But we're at the foundation and I'm not liking a lot of whats there. Will that grow into the leaning tower of Nova....

I didn't like the comment that Rattati made about other games doing "ground better". Talk about a total surrender of what Dust was. Very disappointing. I recall being excited seeing the Legion volcanic scene. Legion now seems so much more kickass over Nova... What happened.
I don't care what other games do with planet based gameplay; I wanted to see Nova's take on planet based gameplay!!! Now there won't be any!!! I mean why even bother with anything if CCP has the "other people do it better" attitude..... Under that logic CCP will be canning Eve once Star Citizen is released because they do spaceships better!!!!

Overall Project Nova seems interesting in points, in theory; At the moment it seems like a team based arena shooter with what sounds like an objective driven PvE co-op mode!?! On the hull of a ship in space.
Who will care about the location after the first few ogling eww and ahhh's. All players will see from there on in are the sights they're aiming down.

Dust was a PvP game, there were calls for a PvE side but in fairness Dust was always a PvP game. Why are they making Nova pander to a PvE side now? Why emulate a Call of Duty Zombie mode as PvE, it's been done to death. Will a drones enemy and A.I. be that good.
BF1 has a massive single player story mode and I've not really touched it. CoD's latest has binned single player altogether.
Where is CCP taking Nova with this. Balance? To force a player to earn greater isk only through PvE? Of all the things to bin and of all the things to bring to Nova, this!

I have way more questions than answers. I don't see that changing any time soon.
In the Q&A session video the answers only brought out more questions. And highlighted to me that this is not the game to replace Dust. Not for me.

If I don't get a chance to play the Alpha I'll ignore Nova and see what it's like in a year or two after it's "developed"; If it's still there.....


Like shooting guns. Being niche(New Eden theme!) means seeing it from your perspective!!!!!!
Because someone does something better is not a reason to ditch it from your game CCP!!!!!!!!
Who else does New Eden better than CCP for a ground based FPS!!!!! 


If others do it better CCP, why do anything at all.....

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