Wednesday 10 October 2018


Today(yesterday now) saw the release of the new Age of Discovery content in STO. With what they called new starter content for newly created characters. Which is total bull from what I've seen. First things first. I created a new 'Discovery era' character and claimed the Discovery pack. Free stuff for free Zen, sure why not.

I'm not happy with the stroyline of the new content. The Discovery content is a makeover of the content already in game. Like Starfleet Academy; Which does look awesome in it's new refined sunset version.

But it's still got the same mission/textual content. There are flavor changes in the form of Tilly escorting you around instead of the usual NPC; But if you've played the game for any length you've already seen it all before.

Besides I like having the usual NPC do it and then become your crew, it feels like you've all been through the story and progress together. This is supposed to be my characters story not Tilly's. Maybe I'm being too judgmental. But I do feel like the original series and Jem'Hadar storylines did so much better in their versions of starter area's.

So Starfleet Academy; Your still guided around to do the same things; Not a bad thing as an intro but it's all been done before. If it's not broken don't fix it but if your adding new content you may as well go all in and not just change the window dressing. 

That's not to say that the new Discovery content looks bad, it's all a faithful recreation and as an addition to the game looks cool enough. But looks don't last against story and there is no real story so why bother seeing it again.

Again, your doing the same content actions in the tutorial, get weapon, listen to voicover, equip weapon and kill Klingons. STD Klingons, but still Klingons. Still just more Klingons.

None of the content has changed outside of looks. Even the hull breach in the corridor happens the same way.

Running the missions as my main was confusing re storyline as the Starfleet ship you deal with is an exact replica of the Discovery, the USS Glenn; with it's own Tardigrade and all.

Which is explained as Classified. Of course.

So it has the ability to "jump" as well, and does so. That's the least of the questions I have but I'm not into the show so I dot' really care to dig any deeper. All just very confusing .... 

The voice acting for some of the characters in the missions is cringe-worthy, no wonder the Klingons want them dead.

This is not my happy dance!

It's nice to see the sets, they are recreated very accurately, but I've taken characters through all this story arc before and I found it hard to push through this time. Disappointed that it was all the same despite the looks.

And whats at the end of it .... Freeaking time travel again! You have got to be S**Ting me.

My disappointment just dove off a cliff. I'll be parking this character at the Earth Spacedock bank and prob never use him again.....

Outside the starter STD experience; I tried the 3 new missions I on my main, they were as monotonous and in no way compelling as on my STD character. Space combat, ground sweep, space combat with nothing special at all; All been done before. Even the station your "helping" feels irrelevant. Never mind Starbase 1(Earth Spacedock), which is just a means to an end for the game, a happy coincidence for storytelling.

Missions like this were done more recently and in a more epic fashion during the last two "expansions", like the swarm attack on DSN. I wish the last two expansions had had more time(pun not intended).

STD themed content aside I've very happy with the improvements to the game, the UI, reputations etc. All great changes to the game that make it feel more refined. The extension of the rep systems is a grind but the rewards may make it worth while. Not that I'll be doing much of it even on my main.

This expansion just smacks of a cash splash PR push on the side of the TV show... That's a tin foil hat theory I'll steer away from fully considering for now. Like the TV show this "expansion" is all show and no substance.

This is worth a watch on that front:

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