Sunday 21 October 2018

Eve Online....

I haven't waffled about Eve for a while, be warned....

So the Winter updates for Eve Online are based around deployment of Abyssal Deadspace 2.0.
Abyssal Deadspace with 2 friends. Group PvE content. Sounds even more unappealing than 'normal' Abyssal Deadspace. Great, nice to see additions to the game. Just not for me. Also nice to know that deadspace is giving CCP so much analytical data. But how can CCP analyse that which is not there (players who can't be bothered like me, never mind those that have left long term). CCP will always do as CCP does. Blinkered, pigeon hole pot luck with a grand strategic overview like a world war one general(all planning but when it meets action falls on it's face).  Can you tell I'm snarky(bitter/salty?!), sarcastic and don't believe anything they say until I can see it in game with my own eye's.

There's lots in the game that needs tweaking and improvement yet, why do they keep compounding the problem by adding more function to mess the calculations up.

The more I've played Eve the more I've accumulated and the more I've become risk averse. 

I get the niggle to play, then I log my characters in as Alpha's and see that there is no real change or enhancement to my gameplay.
I like the changes to ECM because there are some level 4 missions that jam the hell out of you, needed a second ship to help. At least being able to target the ship that is blocking you from targeting anything else lets you have a chance(dread scarlet mission's final room springs to mind).
Quality of life is improved, that's always good to see. I like what they will be doing with stargates etc. But overall nothing has changed to the way I play the game so why pay for it. A quick look and the itch is scratched.

I wonder if this year will see the return of Chrimbo presents.....

Any further mystery code items?

I do like the plans to look into the war dec mechanics, long overdue to say the least. 

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