Sunday 7 October 2018


While my views on the Discovery TV show version of Star Trek are 'low'. If I blinker myself and look at it as a Sci-fi show it's ok'ish, 'meh'. The addition of the so called ST:D "era" into the STO universe wasn't interesting me until I saw the new expansion's starter pack. The starship you get with it is a new 'scaling starship'. The Walker-class Prototype Light Exploration Cruiser. Should be an interesting addition to the games systems.

I've never gotten a starter pack before but as I have the zen to spare I might as well create another new character to use with it at the start of the expansion. A lot of the items in the pack are account wide as well so that is a nice bonus.

So whats the catch....
The ship is geared more for an Engineering character, not my strong suit(Tactical for life!).
It's a Federation only bundle.
Starting from scratch again.

But the new expansion/season will be adding enough changes to the character starting intro/missioning and game ui it'll be of interest to start a new character. So why not. Something to look forward to? I guess!?


I have an ever growing list of characters I've started, gotten to a certain point then left them as I return to my main. It's a trend I think is going to continue. The amount of time needed to get each to be top notch is horrendous. I cant' even say I've gotten my main there. Good as he is he's lacking all things Fleet. Fleet/Armada ships and items are a mystery to me. I'm casual in this game after all.

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