Tuesday 17 November 2020


A surprise to be sure but one that keeps on surprising. Really happy to have gotten this game. I've been playing it a lot. The best freebie in a long time. I've avoided all internet searches about it's content. It's the small touches that I love with the game as well as the bigger game design choices. Like I said before it's a game that's simply complex. Easy to get into and makes your in game actions feel greater. At least for me.

I'm not a dark souls fan. I get that some players love the difficulty but for me those types of games end up in frustration.... That's not fun for me. I get it in some games(like this in Assassins Creed Origins). Challenge is challenge but difficulty for the sake of it takes a player away from enjoyment(imho). It's a hard balance to strike. Aragami is it's own gaming animal.

One of those bigger game design choices is a long-ish teased boss fight..... No story spoilers but game mechanic spoilers.... The boss fight is in retrospect simple and one I appreciate now because the main fight is a cut scene! Thanks Aragami. That's not to say you've nothing to do. The boss has a power shield and you need to disable the light crystals in the boss arena to weaken his protection.

Destroy crystal, attack boss from above, destroy crystal, attack boss from behind, destroy crystal and then when you get close to do another attack on the boss, expecting a 'big fight'..... cut-scene and story elements. I appreciate that. In the lead up to it I wasn't looking forward to it at all. There's so much sneaking and fighting in a game about sneaking and fighting that a boss fight isn't all it's cracked up to be. Especially when I saw the boss getting faster after each of my attacks. So yea I much prefer how it played out. Game that keeps on giving, in more ways than one...

I get that a lot of gamers drawn to this type of game won't appreciate that but Aragami is I think a greater game because of it's casualness. This boss fight suits it's style. Aragami is what it is and the frustrations of a boss fight that whittles down a health bar for the sake of it, isn't it.

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