Tuesday 24 November 2020

Eve Gunjack....

I've been pottering away with Gunjack. Getting a few steam achievements in the process. Mainly by aiming to get the 3 star ratting on each mission. Which has been fun and which I've done on all but 4 levels (# 14, 17, 18 & 20).

The end of the last level (level 20) is the scorpion battleship which kicks my áss. I'm missing a trick here as I keep trying to kill the subsystems yet don't seem to be able to do damage to the overall health when targeting elsewhere. Then again I've only tried to do it twice so I'm not exactly 'trying'. 

Fun shooter is fun but I'm in no way breaking my back over it. Getting the star ratings and completing the end mission are the real motivators. It's a fun game but repetitive. Once the motivators are 'done' I can't see myself getting back to it for a while. Even then it'll be for the rose tinted good bit highlights. Niche game is niche. Long-term gameplay in Gunjack will come more easily if you have any from of love for ye-olde arcade style wave shooters(vertical or otherwise). For me that comes more from my C64 days and specifically Lightforce

As gunjack is a few years old I'm noticing a very two sided coin to it's interweb footprint. The year it came out it was 'fresh', 'visionary' and 'visually stunning'; Now it's all the opposites. 30 minute video's praising it then have turned into 30 minutes of down-talking it now......  Either-way then and now, both pro or con were overthinking it. It's a turret wave shooter, not the second coming! 


Last time I mentioned the Drake 'mini' boss; It's an Eve Online ship I have a fondness for. In doing mission 11 to get it's third star, this time round, I decided to record it. Great ship with some fun Gunjack mechanics.

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