Monday 23 November 2020


Finishing off the game was appreciable. It allowed for some enjoyable tactical stealth game-play along with some brute force. Again the 'boss' fights were not fights; Again I appreciate that and given the end game story-line I really get it. A game that has it's own style and interpretation.

The end boss is more of a traditional end boss fight but still has the Aragami twist; Get three attacks on the boss and finish with an attack from above. More a tactical exercise with precision rather than hammering away at a huge health bar. Really enjoyable even if there's a Dark Souls one hit kill element from the boss. 

Going into this game I got it free and went in blind. No history or info look-ups. I had fun with the game and the ending. The story while a little cleché and one you can see coming, wasn't any less enjoyable due to it, at eleast for me. I felt satisfied with the fight and the ending(and the game overall).

Speaking of which here's the end cut-scenes and fight(all the spoilers, no avoiding them):

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