Wednesday 18 November 2020

Battlefield 1....

Last weeks theme saw a crossover between Operations mode and being forced to use only bold action rifles. This weeks theme is less fun(imho) as it see's no primary weapons with Rush mode.

So yea the previous weeks theme was mainly rifles in large scale combat with a bunch of handgun users being OP, which is fun enough in the right balanced matches. Or as long as your on the winning side. 

I'm rubbish with the standard bolt-action rifles in game, my non sniper aim sucks. That said I am lucky and a match a few days ago proved to be good; Enough times in an hour that I think I made a difference overall.

I particularly liked that portions of the match where I got to take up the mounted machine guns. That really felt like I had some sway. Yea it made me a target but was worth it(again and again)! Plus I got revenge for that one time.....

On a Battlefield tangent I downloaded and tried Battlefield 4(Xbox One) via gamepass; I've not played it since back on 360 years ago.... However with EA-Play accessible to Ultimate Xbox members I downloaded and tried it. Unfortunately my 360 BF 4 profile was not transferred. Seems I'm a few years to late for that once off transfer. I guess I'll have to wait till next month when BF 4 and 5 should be available on PC mid December-ish. If I'm to start fresh I may as well do it on a different platform. PC is my prefered FPS platform.... I wonder if there will be a resurgence of players in BF 1...

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