Friday 20 September 2013

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2

While looking through some old files I came across some screenshots from the second KOTOR game. Reminds me so much of the new online version! And also makes me want to reload the two older games.  

One of the great things about these games was the way your character had a choice in being a true Jedi or turn the path and head for the dark side; And the look of your character would reflect this.

I would usually play through the first time with the intention of being a fair middle ground character; Taking the risks and rewards of one choice or another. Then I would intentionally be a goodie two shoes Jedi and then another play through being as evil as a Sith lord could be! Just to cover all the angles.

I did a quick wiki lookup and the first game is 10 years old this month! wow! 10 years!

The graphics may be a little dated but still stand up, in my own lil opinion.

The second game is available on steam. I wonder if its the same or have their been updates to the graphics etc for the steam release.

I've never played it with mods, I don't recall if the original could be mod'd but there do seem to be a few out there. Maybe just for the steam version.

I think I'll stick to the disk version I have .... somewhere. If/When I reload to play again.

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