Thursday 20 January 2022


Another interesting game I've just finished and another interesting journey(like here, here and here). A shorter game and one where the story is fully part of that gameplay. It scratched my micromanagement itch as an initial hook and then the story kicked in. Nothing too in your face; Nothing said, but a lot implied. You can't get more immersive. It's subtle, simple on it's surface but complex deep down. You can take it on face value or think about it.... Each to their own. If your into it, your into it. 

I got to play it 'free' with Xbox Gamepass. Doing the first half of the game on Xbox then finishing off the rest on PC. Cross platform saves still bring a smile to my face. I switched over for no other reason than I could. It's equally playable(at least for me) using a controller or mouse. I'm sure there are those that've played it on PC with a controller.

While you can be very precise with what goes were, my first playthrough wasn't, not really; And I was happy once the level was happy with items per room. I can see myself playing this again but not for a long time. If ever? If removed from gamepass? That's not to say the game isn't worth a buy.... I would but just at a deep sale price....

The game also has options for collectibles which were not of interest to me. What I did find interesting were the movie and gif options. The movies are full item moments per full level and the gifs one room of each. Fun to see the plonking and plucking of items and placement sped up.

Needless to say it's a game that's better to play in person..... However here's my sped up play-though movies from the game, all in one(spoilers!):

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