Monday 31 January 2022


SC2KRender got an update to v1.1 on Steam(since I first mentioned it here). 

While I have both the original CD(from back in the day) and the Origin(Dosbox) store version(Special Edition) of SimCity 2000; Yet I've not been back to the game itself for a long, long time. Other games in and around the genre have taken my interest. Even with nostalgia some things are easier than others. Enter the SC2K Renderer. View the maps in glorious 3D! It scratches that nostalgia itch in a new way.
Using the Render for map viewing brings it all back to life in a different way. Again nostalgia is the real reason to do it, noting more, nothing less. It's no hassle and ease of use. Seeing my old maps like this has me humming the tunes and ogling the new graphical take with gusto. SimCity 2000 à la Cities Skylines(non interactive but still). Software appreciation and nostalgia. It's just nice to hop in and out of.... Time for some screenshots.

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