Wednesday 2 March 2022

Star Trek Online....

On PC I'm still plinking away with my main and alts. Event daily, character upkeep and newer alt progression. Some more co-op game-play with my wife's characters to unlock recruit transponder rewards etc. So lots of feel good unlock/reward game-play had. In doing so I've mainly joined along with whatever 'secondary' recruit is of the same type, such as my secondary KDF 'recruit'.

With all the characters I have and with all the efforts to improve/play/unlock etc I've been consistently returning to the lesser and newer of the alts. Not main recruits, not mains but the characters like the  overcompensation Jem'Hadar, the catthat Ferengi, or my Discovery 'recruit'; The only recruit type with no transponder. Yea I still wish there was a transponder. I'm either desperate for game-play or I don't know what. There's enough Discovery content.... Good STO Discovery content; Real feeling Star Trek content that it would work for me... Other bits I can ignore(like watching any more of the actual TV series). Each to their own but STO proves it can make a lot more work for the game and for players with that 'kind' of content. They can make a lot of grey area work for everyone. Time will tell. But I shudder to think what can be coming with whatever 'Picard' announcement is due.... 

Always a bigger fish....

On the overall quality of life improvement side of things 1800BrokenSoul did a brilliant video(again) going over what a player can do to bring DPS to the party. Well worth a watch!

CasualSAB has done two interesting vids recently as well. This first is more theory than practical for me: How are people doing over 2 Million DPS in Star Trek Online? 
The other is talking about the Free to Play nature of STO today:    Is Free To Play Dead in Star Trek Online? 

On the Xbox side I've been following up on my own 'need' to complete some of the 'recruit' transponders. 

Thinking the Jem'Hadar would be the easiest to dig into first I dove on in. In truth I started doing so mainly as I transported(warped) an Eve Online character across empire space gaining jump clones. Yes a whole other story and a whole other franchise, suffice it to say 40 minutes(one way) doing noting but click on warp/jump gates isn't 'ideal game-play'(I might blog about that soon).... So I turned on the Xbox console to actually get something done as other things 'happened'.... 

My Jem'Hadar on XBox is basic. Noting fancy, reached level 65 and that's been about it. Thankfully the Gamma transponder has a lot less to it than others. I'd forgotten that the TFO's needed for Swarm completion had to be done on normal rather than my defaulting to advanced. It took an age of queue waiting to get all 5 done over two days. Bad luck I guess but I still had the time to burn.

Other than that TFO whats left should be a matter of logging in and setting up new Doff/Admiralty, R&D and reputations. Fairly passive stuff.

I joined him to my mains fleet just for the sake of it. So the 500k fleet credits went there. I'd tried a more 'prestigious' fleet but got no joy over a few days of asking a few people so said sod it. 

The last two episodes are doable but I've not been rushing through any of them. The most enjoyable is the Ferengi episode. Quarks Lucky Seven. I've always liked the DSN Ferengi episodes and this STO version fits right in. While the mission says you should go to DSN to start it, I ran into an old problem where the mission actually wants you to pick the mission up from the wormhole entrance(as your supposed to come from that direction with the previous mission). So it's no wonder when players are running around DSN looking for Nog only to be told by him that he has no noting for them.

A slightly edited cut-scene version of that mission:

As for the ship he's in; I've moved the fit form his starter ship to an Andorian Khyzon Escort(T5-X). I've an affinity for the ship no matter the character(no matter the platform) so it 'feels' good. 

Other than upgrading the weapons to gold Mk XV's I've not done much else with it. A work in progress that may never be "completed". Ad-hoc as it is, it more than does the job.

Other than all that, like on PC I've been doing the current event(Borg Resurgence), just over the halfway mark now. The previous event Red Alert gave a chance to grind some marks but I kind of wished I'd waited for the current one. More reward marks makes it easier to grind, but it is what it is.

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